Plant Answers
> Questions with Photos Index
(click on item to see question and photo)
Abnormal Cactus Indentification
Abnormal Growth of Flowers - Fasciation
Abnormal Tree Growth on Arizona Ash
Apple Trees - Why are mine dying?
Asiatic Jasmine groundcover is blooming (Why is my Asiatic Jasmine blooming when it climbs into a tree?)
Azalea abnormality
Bats (Are bats dangerous?)
BEAN, Big Jack Bean or Sword Bean
Beetle, Golden in San Antonio
Beneficial Insect
Big Jack (What is the largest flower to ever bloom in Texas?)
Big-eyed Bug from West Texas
Black substance on Crape Myrtle leaves.
Blueberry Plant Pruning at time of planting.
Bluebonnets, Have you ever seen a purple bluebonnet?
Chain-link fence covering
(I would like to start covering the fence to give me something different to look at during the year.)
Cicada Killer Wasps--Do they sting?
Citrus Damage by Grackles (Bird)
Citrus scale insect
Confederate Jasmine (I am looking for a plant that would hide this fence year-round)
Crapemyrtle Leaf Drop
Crenshaw Melon (My father and I planted a garden.)
Deer Eating Grass
Deer Fly/May Fly (Is there anything we can do to kill, catch or dispose of these flies?)
Deer, Do deer eat cactus and NOT Iris (Flags) in Hollywood Park, Texas?
Dying Trees With Peeling Bark
Earth Star Fungus
Fall Flowering Tree in San Antonio (Silk-Floss Tree (Ceiba speciosa)
Finch--which is the smartest, most beautiful of all the Finches in the
Flowering fruit trees (pear) in Late Fall (October) and Winter
Fungus Growth on trees
Grass, strange growths (seed stalks) on my St. Augustinegrass
Grass thinning, St. Augustine Decline (SAD) and shade (Why do I have trouble keeping my St. Augustine grass growing under my trees?)
Grape Vine leaf disorder
Holes in tree. What could have caused them?
Japanese Pear Rust
Jasmine Vine forms seed
Katydid Plague
Lacewing Nymph Hiding
Lawn Weeds
Leafhopper (I have a 15’ Elm with sticky clear material and powdery white stuff.)
Leafhopper (I have discovered a white pasty coating on the tips ……)
Live Oak abnormal growth - What is it?
Male bloom produces a fruit --Can it produce a fruit?
Medlar Fruit (The fruit in question is commonly known as medlar.)
Mites on Lacy Oak
Mountain Laurel bloom spikes (I would like to ask for your help in identifying a strange growth on Texas Mountain Laurel.)
Mutated Squash
Nitrogen-starved tomato transplant
Oak Leaf Fungus
Oak Leaf Galls (Recently I have had many Live Oak leaves to fall.)
Oak Tree Particulate which turns out to be worm droppings
Oak Tree With Symptoms of Environmental Effects of Construction and Drought
Oak Leaf Rust (Why are leaves falling from Live Oak trees just as if it is spring.)
Pecan Nut Drop and Limb Breakage
Pecan Tree Fungus (There was this fungus growing around the entire base.)
Phytophthora (What does the Vinca/Periwinkle plant look like with Aerial Phytophthora.)
Pittosporum branch dieback--What causes this?
Poison Oak
Pokeweed (I was looking for some help on what type of wild berry this is.)
Purple Caterpillar (What is this purple caterpillar.)
Rattlesnake Fossils In My Home.
Roasting Ears (What is the procedure for ‘roasting’ corn)
Root knot Nematodes (Could you please look at the picture of these tomato roots?)
Rose, Knockout Rose Problem with Herbicide
Rose, Unknown Rose named for Dorothy Wiede
Sago Palm Blossom (I have something strange growing out of the top of my Sago.)
Sago Palms--What and When should I do to my badly cold-damaged-in-2010 Sago Palm?
Spiders, Black Widow in Bexar County, Texas
Snake Identification
Spinach White Rust Disease
St. Augustine Decline (What does St. Augustine Decline (SAD) look like?)
St. Augustine Iron Deficiency (Can you tell me how to recognize iron deficiency?)
St. Augustine Take-All Root Rot (Someone told me it [lawn problem] was brown patch.)
St. Augustinegrass Seed Stalks -- How to prevent them?
Stinkbugs, Mating and young ones
Strange Mud Tubes On House
Sunflowers with Snot and Mucus
Texas Persimmon with strange wounds
Tick Eggs
Tomato, Ripening of Green Tomatoes
Tomato Bloom Drop
Tomato seed sprouting in ripe tomatoes?
Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV)
Tomatoes with Blisters and Sunburn
"Tooth picks" of sawdust sticking out of redbud limbs
Mother of Thousands or Devil's Backbone (Kalanchoe daigremontiana)
Virus on Tomatoes and Virus Symptoms on Tomato Fruit
Vortex generated by hummingbird flight
Webs on Tree Trunk (Something is making webs all over the trunk of my tree.)
Webworms--Will Wasps Really Eat Webworms?
Why are some of my vegetables growing into such odd and unusual shapes?
Wild Poinsettia (I hope you can give me some information on this flower.)
Wildflower bulb becoming weedy (I was told that you may be able to help me identify a flower that is taking over my yard.)
Wooly Aphids on Hackberry Trees
Wood Boring Bees
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