Question: I moved into
a new house in June and was late getting my tomatoes in
the ground around the middle of June. I live on the north
side of Dallas, TX and tomato variety is 'Big Boy'. They
have grown quite well but the blooms are falling off just
when the bloom develops. The stems of the small yellow flower
blooms turn yellow and the bloom dries up and falls off.
I tried using a general pesticide spray for garden bugs
and catipilars but it didn't help. Its almost like there
is a nutrient deficiency. Its now the milddle of August
and there is not one tomatoe on the vine yet. Please help.
I have attached two pictures to help see the problem.
Answer: I received the email with the
images. Tomatoes, other than a few heat setting varieties,
will not set fruit when day and night-time temperatures
are too high. That is why it is so important to get them
planted at the proper time. See also the information found
in the article at:
which contains the following: "Tomato, pepper and eggplant
blooms drop off plants because of another type of pollination
problem. The tomato is hermaphroditic which means that both
male and female parts exist in the same flower. So how could
it have a pollination problem? The pollination problem of
these crops exists because the female part of the flower
(pistil), which must be pollinated, is located above the
male flower parts which produce pollen. If this pollen is
inactivate because of hot temperatures, or made sticky by
cool, cloudy conditions, the female flower part will not
be pollinated, and the entire flower and potential tomato
will drop off. Tomato, peppers and eggplant flowers are
wind or mechanically pollinated, so gardeners don't have
to rely on bees. The flowers can be artificially set, or
made to stay on the plants, by use of blossom-set hormones
sold in local nurseries. These hormones are effective fruit-setters
only during early spring when cool, cloudy temperatures
are the villains. Tomatoes that are artificially set with
hormone sprays will have fewer seed. These are not test
tube babies but can certainly claim conception by artificial