QUESTION : My compost piles have cooled off, but
there are still some small wood chips and bits of leaf mixed
in with the compost. I have tried turning, adding Ammonium
Sulfate, and adding weed leaves and grass clippings, but
no luck! I have also gone several years without gardening,
and there doesn't seem to be an earthworm in sight! I can't
find a local supply for worms ever since Gardenville decided
to stop handling them. Do you have any suggestions???
ANSWER :I would go ahead and till your nearly-compost
into the area where you plan to have your new garden. It
will continue to decompose and by the time you set out transplants
or plant seeds, the composting should be almost complete.
A little extra fertilizer applied to the area will compensate
for any lack of nitrogen caused by the decomposition process.
I would also bet that you will find that you still have
earthworms because they will be attracted by the organic
material you have added to your garden plot.
QUESTION : Do you know where I can find bulbs of
Egyptian Onions? I grew them as a child and enjoyed them
a lot and so I thought my students would enjoy them also.
They are also called walking onion, tree onions, or top
onions. (Allium cepa, var. viviparum)
ANSWER :These plants are hard to find in the garden
centers. The best bet is to find someone who is growing
them and get a start there. Once established they will reproduce
forever as long as you always remember to put at least one
back in the ground when you pull a bunch. If you do not
know someone who is growing these varieties, call some of
the independent retail nurseries, or check these websites:
QUESTION : What is a good fast growing, nice looking
evergreen tree for the San Antonio area?
ANSWER : If by evergreen you are referring to the
conifers, the only one that I can recommend for San Antonio
is the Arizona cypress (Cupressus glabra). The live oak,
and the Monterrey oak, for practical purposes, are evergreen
in that they put on new leaves each year with the new leaf
virtually pushing off the old one. For a list of recommended
trees (and other landscape plants) for the San Antonio area
QUESTION : I am trying go get some information on
how to graft a one year old peach tree.
ANSWER : Use the T-bud which is illustrated at the
following Plantanswers site:
You will need to secure the buds from an improved variety
this spring with some budding tape and you should be in
QUESTION :I live in Cibilo and have had very bad
luck with growing any ornamental plants in my flower bed.
I have mulched, brought in new soil from Gardenville and
fertilized. I have tried plants from local nurseries and
mail order that are specified to be good for shady areas
in our zone (bleeding hearts, pansies, cinnamon fern, mondara's,
cyclamen, hybrid woodland and blue bells to name a few).
My flower bed is on the west side with 95 percent shade,
but gets the hot setting sun -at this point I don't care
what I put in. I just want a variety of plants that will
be attractive in all seasons. Does it matter that all my
shade is from pecan trees?
ANSWER : You have described a very difficult landscape
site. The pecan trees are probably the root (no pun intended)
of the majority of your problems. First, they cast a very
dense shade, so only those plants that can live and thrive
in such shade can be used. Secondly, the pecan is a water
hog that is going to out-compete most other plants for the
available water.
Next, we are blessed with some of the most trying growing
conditions that exist anywhere making it imperative that
you concentrate on those plants that can tolerate these
conditions. I am not going to recommend any plants to you
but rather point you to a series of PLANTanswers articles
on Annual and Perennial Flowers for All Seasons which can
be found at this web site:
Also be sure you describe your growing conditions in
detail to the sales personnel at the nursery when you buy
your plants and ask for their advice. With the proper plant
selection and attention to moisture, you should be able
to have a flower bed that you'll be proud of.