By 1995 the Hispanic population in the United States is projected to reach 26 million. Over 800,000 Texans suffer from diabetes with one-half the population unaware that they have the disease. Some 10 to 12 percent of Hispanics have diabetes mellitus with 95 percent of the non-insulin-dependent type. Mexican Americans are 3 to 5 times more likely to develop diabetes than Anglos, and Blacks have a 33 percent higher rate of diabetes than do Anglos. Researchers believe that the high incidence of diabetes among Mexican-Americans is caused by multiple factors including genetic, diet, nutrition, lifestyle, and/or occupation.
Whether or not you have insulin-dependent or noninsulin-dependent diabetes, this pamphlet provides information about the dietary guidelines and how to plan menus using exchange lists or food choices (in both English and Spanish) and has typical Mexican recipes with diabetic exchanges given for one serving of each recipe.
Most health organizations such as the American Diabetes Association or the American Heart Association, recommend that you select a healthful diet based on the dietary guidelines for Americans. These recommendations are appropriate for people who have other risk factors for chronic diseases such as diabetes or premature heart disease. Good eating habits for diabetics based on moderation and variety can help keep you healthy and even improve your health.
Todas organizaciones de salude como la Asociación Americana de la Diabetes o la Asociación Americana de las Enfermedades del Corazón tiene las recomendaciones dieteticas para los Americanos. Las recomendaciones que son especialmente importantes pats aquellos que poseen factores de riesgo de enfermedades cronicas, tales como diabetes o cardiopatícas, precoces. Buenos hábitos alimenticios basados en la moderación y la variedad puden ayudarle a mantenerse saludable é incluso mejorar su salud.