1. Eat variety of foods.
1. Coma Alimentos Variados
To assure yourself an adequate diet, eat a variety of foods daily in adequate amounts, including selections of:
Para asegurarse una diets adecuada, coma diariamente una variedad de alimentos incluyendo:
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Whole-grain and enriched breads, cereals, and other products made from grains
- Milk, cheese, yogart, and other products made from milk
- Meats, poultry, fish, eggs, and dry beans and peas.
- Frutas
- Vegetales
- Productos de grano y cereales, cereal entero y pan enriquecido
- Leche, queso, yogart y otros productos lácteos
- Carnes, aves, pescado, huevos, chícharos o guisantes y frijoles o habichuelas.