(Phymatotrichum omnivorum)
Some 2,000 species of plants have been
found to be susceptible to the cotton root-rot fungus. In 1936, Dr. J.
J. Taubenhaus and Dr. Walter N. Ezekiel published a bulletin (Bulletin
No. 527), through the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station which gave
a root-rot susceptibility rating to plants grown commonly in the state.
This bulletin has been out of print for many years, but the need for this
information has not subsided. It is with this in mind that the following
material is reprinted. (Prepared by Extension Plant Pathologists, Texas
Agricultural Extension Service (1966).)
Root-Rot Ratings Used
Symbols Status
++.......................Moderately susceptible
+++.......................Highly susceptible
++++.......................Extremely susceptible
Alphabetical Index of Common Names
Abelia, Chinese ++
glossy ++
Mexican ++
Abutilon, Brazilian +++
painted +++
velvet leaf ++++
Acacia, bald +++
rose ++
sweet -
Acanthus, soft ++
Adder's tongue -
Adelia ++
privet ++
Texas ++
African-lily -
Agarita +
Agrimony, small flowered +
soft ++
tall hairy ++
Alder, American green +++
mountain +++
red +++
smooth ++
Alfalfa ++++
wild ++
Almond +++
Alfileria -
Aloe -
Aloes, false -
Alyssum, sweet -
wild -
Amaranth +
blood +
globe -
spiny +
Amazon Lily -
Ampelopsis, heartleaf ++
Anacahuita +
Anacua +
Anemone, garden +
Japanese -
poppy +
Angelica ++
Angelico ++
Angel's trumpet +++
Angle-pod ++
Anise ++
Antelope horns ++
Apple ++++
Apple-of-Peru ++
Apricot +++
Aralia, five-leaved ++
Araucaria, Brazilian +
Arborvitae, American ++
Douglas pyramidal +
giant ++
oriental ++
Ware +
Arctotis, bushy ++
Arrow-arum -
Arrowleaf -
Arrowroot -
Arrow vine +
Artichoke ++
Jerusalem ++++
Ash, black +++
Chinese +++
European ++
fragrant ++
green ++
Gregg ++
prickly ++
red ++
Texas ++
water ++
white +++
Asparagus -
fern -
smilax -
Aster, aromatic ++
calico ++
China ++
Drummond ++
flat-top ++
grass-leaved ++
great purple ++
hairy ++
late purple ++
narrow-leaf ++
purple ++
river ++
roadside ++
sky-blue ++
sky-drop ++
southern smooth ++
spiny +
Stokes +
tansy ++
western silky +
white heath ++
wreath ++
Athel ++
Autumn glory ++
Avens, Japanese ++
white ++
Avocado +++
Azalea, Piedmont ++
smooth ++
Baby blue-eyes -
Bachelor's-button +
Balloonflower ++
Balloonvine +++
small-fruited +++
woolly +++
Balsam, garden +
Balsam-apple -
Bamboo -
blackjoint. -
golden -
Japanese timber -
Barbados-cherry +
Barbara's-buttons ++
Barberry, Allegheny +
black +
box +
common ++
Himalayan +
Japanese ++
warty +
Barley -
foxtail -
Barnyard grass -
Basil -
Basket-flower -
Basketflower ++
Basket grass -
Bay, mountain rose ++
Bayberry +
California +
waxmyrtle ++
Bean, asparagus ++
Florida +++
hyacinth ++
Jack ++
June ++
kidney +++
lima +++
moth ++
mung ++
potato ++
rice ++
scarlet runner ++
screw ++
sword ++
tepary ++++
velvet +++
Bean vine ++
Bearberry ++
Beard-tongue ++
tube +++
white ++
Beargrass -
Beauty-bush +
Beaverwood +
Bed-straw,sweet scented ++
Bee-brush +
Beech, American ++
blue ++
Japanese +++
Beet, garden +++
sugar ++++
Beggar's lice ++
Beggar-ticks ++
swamp +
Beggarweed, Florida +++
Begonia, slender -
Belladonna-lily -
Bellwort -
Belvedere ++
Bentgrass -
Bergamot, hairy wild -
wild -
Bermuda grass -
Betony, comon -
Bindweed +++
black ++
field +++
gray +++
hedge +++
hoary +++
Birch, gray +++
red +++
river +++
sweet ++
white ++
yellow ++
Bird's nest ++
Bishopscap +++
Bittersweet, American ++
Bitterweed ++
Blackberry highbush ++
Black-eyed-susan ++
Blackhaw ++
southern +++
Black-root +
Bladder-pod -
Blazing star, prairie ++
slender ++
Bleeding-heart +
Blood leaf -
Bloodroot +
Bloodweed +++
Bluebell, Spanish -
Texas +
Bluebells, Virginia ++
Bluebonnet, Texas +
Blue-curls -
Blue-dicks -
Blue-eyed-grass -
dwarf -
Blue-lips -
Blue star, Texas -
Blue-toadflax ++
Bluets +
Blue-weed ++
Boat-lily -
Bois d'arc +
Boneset, common ++
false ++
Bouncing-Bet +
Bouvardia, scarlet +
Box ++
Box-elder ++
California +++
Breath-of-heaven -
Bridal-wreath ++
Brier, sensitive +++
Bristlegrass, green -
yellow -
Broadbean ++
Broccoli +
Brome, smooth -
Brookweed -
Broom ++
Broomcorn -
Broomsedge -
Brown-eyed-susan ++
Brussels sprouts +
Buchu -
Buckeye, California ++
Ohio ++
red ++
woolly ++
yellow ++
Buckthorn ++
Carolina ++
cascara +++
Buckwheat, climbing
false ++
Buffaloberry, yellow +
Buffalogourd -
Bunchflower -
Burdock, common ++
Bur-marigold +
Burningbush, evergreen ++
Bur-seed +
Bush-clover, Japan ++
ever-blooming ++
Butter-and-eggs ++
Buttercup, celery-leaved -
creeping +
wedge-leaved +
Butterfly-bush, globe +++
white +++
Butterfly flower, wingleaf ++
Butterflyflower +++
Butterfly-weed +++
Butter-weed ++
Buttonbush ++
Buttonweed ++
Buttonwood ++
Buttonwood +
Cabbage +
Chinese -
Cactus, barrel ++
button ++
Coryphantha ++
deer-horn ++
devil's-head ++
fishhook ++
hemisphere ++
lead-pencil ++
nipple ++
triangle ++
twisted-rib ++
Calabazilla -
Caladium -
spotted -
Calendula +
Calico bush ++
Calico-flower ++
Calla, common -
golden -
pink -
spotted -
Calliopsis ++
Caltrop ++
hairy +
Camass -
Camomile, corn ++
Camote de raton ++
Camphor plant ++
Camphor-tree ++
Campion, evening +
Canaigre ++
Candlenut tree ++
Candlewood +
Candytuft, common white -
sweet -
Candyweed +
Canna -
edible -
Canterbury-bells ++
Cape-honeysuckle ++
Cape-jasmine ++
Caraway +++
Cardinal-climber +++
Cardinal feather ++
Cardinal flower ++
Cardinal's guard ++
Careless-weed +
Carnation +
Carpetweed +
Carrot +++
Cassava ++
Castor-bean +++
Catalpa, common +++
western +++
Catchfly, forked +
night-flowering +
sleepy +
Catclaw +
Cat-gut +
Catnip -
Catnip giant-hyssop -
Cats-claw -
Cattail -
narrowleaf -
Cauliflower +
Cedar, Alaska ++
Atlas +
mountain +
red +
white ++
Cedar of Lebanon ++
Celandine +
Celery +
Celestials -
Centuryplant. -
Chalice-vine +
Chamiso ++
Chaparral berry +
Chard, Swiss +++
Charlock ++
Chaste-tree, cut-leaf ++
lilac ++
Negundo ++
Cheat -
Checkered-lily -
Cheeses +++
Chenille plant ++
Cherry, Nanking +++
sour +++
sweet +++
wild black +
Cherry-laurel ++
Chervil, turnip-rooted ++
Chess -
Chestnut ++++
Japanese +++
Spanish ++++
Chickpea +++
Chickweed +
common +
Indian +
mouse-ear +
powder-horn +
Chicory +++
Chile-bells -
China, wild ++++
Chinaberry tree ++++
China-brier -
China tree umbrella ++++
Chinquapin +++
Florida +++
Chittam wood ++
Chokeberry, purple ++
red +++
Chokecherry ++
western ++
Christmas-berry +++
Christmasberry ++
common +++
florists ++
Chufa -
Cineraria +++
Cinquefoil, Alpine +
rough +
silvery +
Citronella -
Cleavers +
Clematis +
curly +
scarlet +
Clock-vine, black-eyed ++
Clotbur ++
Clover, alsike +++
buffalo ++
bur +
Hubam +++
low hop +
pin -
red +++
spotted bur ++
white +++
zigzag +++
Cocklebur ++
common ++
spiny ++
Cockscomb -
Coffee bean +
Coffee-tree, Kentucky +
Coleus -
Colts-foot ++
Columbine +
common +
golden +
southern +
Compass-plant ++
Coneflower ++
clasping ++
Florida ++
gray-head ++
great ++
hedgehog ++
long-head +++
orange ++
pinewoods +
purple ++
smooth +++
sweet ++
Copperleaf ++
Coralbean +
Coralbells ++
Coralberry -
Coral bush, Melbourne ++
Coral-plant ++
Coraltree +++
Coreopsis, big ++
cress-leaved ++
crown ++
lance ++
Coriander ++
Corn -
Cornflower ++
Cornsalad. +
Cosmos, common ++
yellow +++
Cotoneaster, Pekin ++
rock +++
silverleaf +++
spreading ++
Cotton, Chinese +++
Ecuador +++
Egyptian +++
Florida tree +++
Indian tree +++
kidney +++
Levant +++
Lower California, wild +++
Mexican +++
Mexican semi-wild +++
Peruvian tree +++
Sea-island +++
Tanguis +++
upland ++++
Cotton-rose +++
Cotton-weed +
Cottonwood, Carolina ++++
narrowleaf ++++
smoothbark ++++
southern ++++
swamp +++
Cow-herb +
Cow-itch vine ++
Cowpea +++
Crab-apple, southern ++
Crabgrass -
smooth. -
Cranberry, large -
small -
Cranesbill, Carolina -
silver-leaved -
Crapemyrtle ++
Creeper, peppervine +++
Texas ++
Virginia +++
wall ++
Creosote bush +
Cress, garden -
penny -
rock -
water -
Crocus -
Crotalaria +
Croton, gulf +++
sand +++
shrubby +++
silvery +++
white +++
woolly +++
Crowfoot, early +
Crownbeard. +
Crowpoison -
Cucumber +
creeping -
cut-leaf bur -
Cudweed ++
purple +++
Wright ++
Culver's, physic +
Cupids-dart +++
Currant, American, black +
common ++
Cushaw -
Cyclamen, common +
florist's +
Cypress, Arizona ++
bald ++
dwarf Hinoki ++
Hinoki. ++
Italian ++
Macnab ++
Monterey ++
Montezuma ++
Nootka ++
Portuguese +++
smooth +++
standing +
Cypress-pine ++
Cypress-vine +++
Daffodil -
petticoat. -
Dahlia, Aztec ++++
bedding ++++
cactus ++++
garden ++++
tree ++++
Dahoon +
Daisy, African ++
Berlandier ++
blue +
English +++
mountain ++
oxeye +++
ragged +++
Shasta ++
sleepy ++
Texas star +
Transvaal ++
western +++
white ++
yellow ++
Daisy fleabane ++
western ++
Dalea ++
golden ++
purple ++
Dandelion +++
dwarf +++
false ++
Darnel -
Dasheen -
Date palm -
Cenary -
Ceylon -
cliff -
Datura, Hindu +++
sacred ++
Dayflower -
creeping -
Daylily, narrow dwarf -
orange -
tall yellow -
tawny -
yellow -
Death-camas -
Deer-pea ++
Derris ++
Deutzia ++
fuzzy ++
Lemoine +
slender ++
Devils' bouquet ++
Devil's elbow ++
Devil's shoe strings ++
Devilstongue -
Devils-walking-stick +++
Devil-wood ++
Dewberry, eastern +
southern +
Dill +++
Ditaxis, low ++
Dock, bitter ++
fiddle ++
pale ++
swamp ++
yellow +++
Dogbane, hemp +
spreading +
Dog-fennel ++
Dogwood, blood-twig ++++
flowering ++++
pagoda +++
red-flowering +++
roughleaf ++++
silky ++++
Taterian ++++
Dracena -
Dragonhead, false -
Dragonroot -
Durra -
Dusty miller +++
Dutchmans-breeches ++
Ebony, mountain -
Texas -
Eggplant ++
Elder, American ++
European ++
red +++
Elephants-ear -
Elm, American +++
cedar +
Chinese ++++
red +++
rock +++
slippery +++
winged +++
Emmer -
Empress tree +
Endive +++
Eryngo ++
Euonymus, spreading ++
Evening primrose +
common +
Drummond ++
Ozark ++
yellow +
Everlasting +++
Eve's necklace +
Fairy bells -
Fennel ++
Fen-rose ++
Fescue, meadow -
Fiddle-leaves +
Fiesta-flower +
Fig ++++
sycamore +
Filaree -
Filbert +++
Fir, balsam ++
Cascade ++
Douglas ++
giant ++
Greek ++
silver ++
white ++
Fire-bush, Mexican ++
Firethorn ++
Fireweed ++
Firewheel ++
Five-spot +
Flag, crimson -
Flax ++
false -
golden ++
prairie ++
wild ++
wild yellow ++
Fleabane, horse-weed ++
Flowering-moss ++
Flowering straw ++
Flower-of-an-hour +++
Fly-poison -
Fog-fruit +
Forget-me-not +
Forsythia, greenstem +++
weeping ++
Foxglove +
false purple ++
false yellow ++
scarlet-beard ++
Foxtail green -
Freesia -
Fringetree ++
Fritillary -
Frost-weed, hoary +
Frostweed +
Fumeroot, slenderer +
Gaillardia, common
perennial +++
maroon +
rose-ring ++
Garbanzo +++
Garden-mint, common -
Garland-flower -
Garlic -
false -
wild -
Gaura ++
scarlet ++
white ++
Gayfeather, cattail ++
pinkscale. ++
spike ++
Gentian, prairie +
slender prairie +
Geranium, ivy -
Lady Washington -
rose -
wild -
Germander -
Gherkin, West Indian -
Ginger -
Gingerlily -
Gladiolus -
Glasswort +
Globe-flower +
Globe-thistle ++
Goats-beard +++
Golden-aster, Berlandier ++
Maryland +
Goldenbells +++
California ++
Goldenglow ++
Golden-raintree, Japanese ++
Goldenrod ++
Canada +++
clasping ++
downy ++
elm-leaf ++
Gattinger ++
November ++
rayless ++
slender showy ++
stiff ++
sweet +++
tall +
twisted-leaf ++
western rough ++
wreath ++
Goldenseal +++
Golden-star ++
Golden-stars -
Goldentuft -
Golden-wave +
Gooseberry, English ++
Georgia +
Goosefoot ++
oak-leaved +++
stinking ++
Goose grass ++
Gourd, Malabar -
white-flowered -
Gram, black ++
Grape, canyon ++
Champanel +
Champin +
frost ++
mountain ++
muscadine ++
mustang +
possum +++
post-oak ++
riverbank ++
sand +++
Spanish +
summer ++
sweet winter ++
wine +++
winter +
Grapefruit +++
Grape-hyacinth -
Grass, couch -
Rhodes -
Greenbrier -
bristly -
Green-ebony ++
Green-eyes ++
Gromwell +
corn +
Ground-cherry ++
beach ++
common ++
Groundnut ++
Groundsel ++
balsam +++
common ++
ivy ++
round-leaf +++
Groundselbush ++
Guar +
Guava +++
Guayule ++
Guernsey-lily -
Gum, black ++
cotton ++
tupelo ++
Gum elastic ++
Gum plant ++
narrow-leaf +++
Hackberry +
Chinese +
southern +
Hammerwort +
Hawkweed, hairy +++
long-bearded ++
mouse-eared ++
orange +
Hawthorn, downy +++
short-spined ++
small-fruited +++
southern +++
thicket +++
Hazelnut +++
American +++
Heal-all -
Hedge-hyssop ++
Heliotrope +
wild ++
Hemlock, Carolina +++
ground ++
Japanese +++
poison ++
Hemp +++
bog +
button ++
Indian +
sisal -
Hemp-weed, climbing ++
Henbit -
Hibiscus, Chinese +++
Turk's-cap +
Hickory, big shellbark +
bitternut +
black +
shagbark +
shellbark +
white +
Hoarhound -
Hog-potato ++
Hogwort +++
Holly, American +
Carolina +
English +
Japanese +
myrtle-leaf -
Hollyhock ++++
figleaf. +++
Honeysuckle, Japanese ++
purple Japanese ++
scarlet trumpet ++
Tatarian +
white ++
white belle +
winter ++
Hop-hornbean ++
Hoptree ++
Hornbeam ++
Horse-balm -
Horsebean -
Horsebrier -
Horsechestnut ++
Horsemint, spotted -
Horse-nettle ++
Torrey +++
white. ++
Horseradish ++++
Horse-weed, purple ++
Hound's tongue. +
Houstonia sand ++
Huajilla +
Huckleberry, black +
Huisache -
Hyacinth, common -
wild -
Hydrangea +++
Hyssop -
Incense-cedar ++
Indian blanket -
Indian-cherry ++
Indigo, blue wild. ++
prairie ++
prairie wild ++
white wild ++
Indigo bush, false +
Indigo-bush +
Insect flowers, Dalmatian. ++
Persian ++
Ipomoea star ++
Iris, blueflag -
Japanese -
Rocky Mountain -
Spanish. -
wild -
Ironweed, Baldwin ++
Missouri +
tall ++
western ++
Ironwood ++
Ivy, Boston ++
English. ++
German ++
marine ++
poison ++
Jack-in-the-pulpit ++
Jacksonbrier -
Jacobs-rod -
Jasmine, Chinese yellow ++
common white. +++
Italian yellow +++
primrose ++
Jerusalem-cherry ++
Jessamine, Chilian ++
day. ++
yellow. +++
Jimson weed ++
purple ++
Joe-pye weed. +++
Johnson grass -
Jonquil -
Josephs-coat +
Joshua-tree -
Judas-tree +++
Jujube ++++
Jump seed ++
Juniper, alligator +
Chinese ++
common ++
creeping. ++
golden ++
Pfitzer +
prostrate ++
Rocky Mountain +
Kafir -
Kafir-plum ++
Kale +
Kerria, silver ++
Knawel +
"Knock-away" +
Knotgrass -
Knotweed ++
Kohlrabi ++
Kumquat, oval +
round +
Kudzu vine. ++
Laceflower +++
Lady's-thumb ++
Lamb's-quarters ++
Lantana, common ++
dwarf ++
weeping +
Lantern-plant, Chinese ++
Larch, American ++
European ++
Japanese +++
Larkspur, common +
field. +
prairie +
white +
Laurel, mountain ++
Lavender +
Lavender cotton +
Leek -
wild -
Lemon ++
Lemon-balm -
Lentil +++
Lentil-tare ++
Lettuce ++
hairy ++
prickly ++
rabbit ++
western prickly ++
wild ++
Lilac, Chinese ++++
common ++++
Japanese tree +++
late +++
Persian +++
Lily, candlestick -
Chinese white -
leopard -
madonna -
meadow -
Sierra -
thimble -
tiger -
white trumpet -
Zygadenus -
Lily-of-the-valley -
Lime +++
Limoncillo ++
Linden, American +++
common +++
Liquorice, wild +++
Living rock ++
Lizards-tail -
Lobelia, Cliffort. ++
downy ++
great +
spiked. +
Loblolly-bay +
Locust, black ++++
clammy +++
honey ++++
swamp +++
Loosestrife ++
false +
fringed +
Loquat +++
Lotibush +
Love-in-a-mist +
Love-lies-bleeding +
Lupine, sundial +
Maackia, Amur ++
Chinese ++
Madeira-vine ++
Madrona ++
Magnolia ++
Maguey -
Mahogany +
mountain -
Mahonia, desert ++
Texas +
Maidenhair tree ++++
Mallow, clustered poppy +++
common +++
high +++
Indian +++
low poppy +++
Mexican +++
pompadour ++
poppy +++
prairie ++
small-flowered +++
Mangel-wurzel +++
Mango ++
Manihot ++
Manzanita ++
Maple, Amur ++
black ++
dwarf red ++
Florida ++
Japanese +++
mountain ++
Norway +++
red +++
silver +++
sugar +++
sycamore ++
Marguerite ++
Marguerites ++
Marigold, African -
dwarf -
French -
Marsh-mallow +++
Marsh-marigold +
May apple ++
May haw ++
Maypops ++
Meadow-rue ++
Meadowsweet ++
Medick, black ++
Melampodium, branched ++
pole ++
white ++
Meloncilla +++
Mercury, ivyleaf ++
three-seeded ++
wild ++
Mescal-bean ++
Mesquite +
Mesquite grass, curly -
Mexican-orange +
Mexican star -
Mexican tea +++
Mexican-tea ++
Mezcal button ++
Mignonette, common -
white -
Milfoil ++
Milkweed, common ++
hairy ++
horsetail +++
red ++
smooth +++
star ++
Milkwort +
Millet, broomcorn -
foxtail -
Hungarian -
Mimosa -
Mint, apple -
bergamot -
dragonhead -
field -
slender mountain +
Virginia mountain +
Mist-flower ++
Mitrewort +
Mock-cucumber -
Mockernut +
Mockorange +
big scentless -
hoary +
sweet -
wild +
Moneywort +
Monkey-flower -
golden -
Monkshood Chinese +
Monkshood-vine ++
Moonflower, common ++
Moonseed ++
Morning-glory, bush ++
common ++
ivy-leaf +++
woolly +++
Morning-honevsuckle ++
Motherwort -
Mountain-ash, American ++
Mountain-bluet. ++
Mountain-laurel +++
Mulberry, black ++++
French -
red ++++
Russian +++
weeping +
white +++
Mullein, common ++
moth +
Muskmelon +
Mustard +
potherb +
tansy +
wild +
Mustard-greens +
Myrrh ++
Myrtle ++
Nailwort. -
Nandina +++
Narcissus jonquil -
Nasturtium -
Neckweed +
Nectarine +++
Nettle +++
bull ++
dead -
hedge +
scarlet hedge -
slender +++
spurge ++
New-Jersey-tea +
Niggerhead +++
Nigger-weed +++
Nightshade ++
black ++
vine. ++
Ninebark, goldleaf ++
Nondo ++
Norfolk-island-pine ++
Nut grass -
Nutmeg, California ++
Oak, basket ++
black ++
blackjack ++
bluejack ++
burr ++
chestnut ++
chinquapin ++
Daimyo ++
Durand white ++
dwarf chinquapin ++
Emory ++
live +
Mongolian ++
overcup ++
pin ++
post ++
red ++
scarlet. +++
scrub ++
shin ++
Spanish ++
spotted ++
Texas red ++
water ++
white ++
willow ++
Oats -
wild -
Ocotillo +
Okra ++++
Oleander ++
sweet-scented ++
Olive +++
false. ++
Russian +
Onion -
wild -
Orach ++
beach ++
halberd-leaved ++
spreading ++
Orange +++
hardy +
Satsuma ++
sour +
Osage-orange +
Osier, common ++++
purple +++
Osmanthus, silver ++
Oswego tea -
Oxalis -
Pagoda-tree, Japanese +
Paint-brush, Indian -
Painted-cup, scarlet -
Texas -
Painted lady ++
Painted leaf +++
Painted-tongue ++
Palafoxia, Texas ++
Palm, California Washington -
Mexican Washington -
Palmetto -
Texas -
Victoria -
Palmgrass -
Palmilla -
Palo verde +
Pampas-grass -
Pansy -
Papaw +++
Papaya +++
Paper-mulberry +++
Parsley ++
fool's ++
sand ++
turnip-rooted +++
wild +++
Parsnip +++
Caucasian cow ++
cow +++
wild ++
Partridge-berry +
Passion flower ++
yellow ++
Pea, English +
flat ++
partridge ++
pastel ++
perennial +++
pigeon ++
wild +
wild yellow ++
Peach ++
Peanut ++++
Pear ++++
Pearlbush ++
Pearlwort +
Peas, turkey ++
Pea-tree, Siberian +
Pea-vine ++
Pecan ++
bitter +
Pellitory +
Pencil flower +
Pennyroyal, Drummond -
hairy -
Penstemon ++
foxglove +
white ++
Peony tree +++
Pepper, bird ++
sweet +++
water +
Peppergress -
field -
hoary -
wild -
Pepper-tree, Brazilian ++
California ++
Periwinkle, common ++
white -
Persimmon common ++
Japanese. +++
Mexican +
Pe-Tsai -
Petunia -
Peyote ++
Phlox -
blue -
Drummond -
dwarf +
meadow +
perennial -
Phoenix-tree ++
Photinia +++
hairy +++
Phyllanthus ++
Pickerelweed -
Pigeon grass -
Pigweed, rough +
spreading ++
winged ++
Pine, Austrian ++
black +++
Chinese ++
dwarf mountain ++
Italian stone ++
jack ++
Japanese red +
Jeffrey ++
limber +++
loblolly +++
longleaf +++
Mexican white +++
mountain ++
pinon +++
pond +++
red ++
sand ++
Scotch ++
scrub ++
shortleaf ++
slash ++
spruce ++
western yellow +++
white ++
Pink, Chinese +
mountain +
Pink-root ++
Pistache +++
Mexican +++
Pita -
Pitaya ++
Pitcher-plant, California -
common -
Pittosporum, cape ++
Japanese ++
Plantain dwarf ++
English rib-grass ++
large-bracted +
many-seeded +
rough +
sand ++
western +
woolly +
Plum, Chickasaw ++
common ++
common wild ++
ground ++
hog +
Mexican +
wild goose +
Poinsettia +++
Pokeberry +
Poker-plan -
Pokeweed -
Pomegranate -
Poplar, balsam +++
black ++++
Carolina ++++
Lombardy +++
Poppy, California ++
Iceland ++
Mexican ++
oriental +
peacock +
Popweed -
Portulaca ++
rock ++
Possumhaw -
Potato, Indian +++
Irish ++
water -
Pot-marigold +
Poverty weed ++
Prairie-clover ++
white ++
Prairie-lily -
Prairie tea +++
Prickly ash, northern ++
Prickly pear ++
Prickly-side +++
Primrose +
Chinese +
showy ++
water +
willow +
Princesfeather +
Princess tree +
Privet, Amur +++
babydoll ++
bigberry ++
blackleaf +++
California ++
Chinese +++
common +++
European +++
glossy ++
Ibota ++
Japanese ++
large-leaf ++
Lodense +++
Nepal ++
pygmy ++
pyramidal ++
Quihou ++
swamp ++
tricolor ++
upright ++
waxleaf +++
yellowleaf ++
Psoralea brown-flowered ++
Puccoon +
Puffballs ++
Pumpkin -
Puncture plant ++
Purslane ++
milk +++
Pussy-foot ++
Pyrethrum ++
Quackgrass -
Quail-bush +++
Queen's delight ++
Queen's root ++
Quince +++
Chinese flowering ++
Japanese flowering ++
Radish ++
Ragweed ++
giant ++
great +++
Ragwort, golden ++
prairie ++
tansy ++
Railroad vine ++
Rain-lily -
Ram's horns +
Rape -
Raspberry, European ++
Rattle-box +
hoary +
Rattle-bush +
Rattle-snake-master -
Redbay ++
Red-bud ++
Redbud +++
California +++
Chinese +++
Texas +++
Redwood, blue ++
weeping giant ++
Rhododendron, Manchurian ++
Rhubarb ++++
Rice -
Rock-brush ++
Rose, Chinese +++
cultivated +++
Macartney ++
meadow ++
pasture +++
Roselle +++
Rose-mallow +++
swamp +++
Rosemary -
Rose-moss +
Rosetilla +
Rosin-weed ++
slender ++++
Rubber-plant ++++
Rue-anemone +
false ++
Rush, common -
slender -
Rushfoils ++
Rutabaga ++
Rutland beauty +++
Rye -
Ryegrass, perennial -
Sacred-lily, Chinese -
Sage +
blue -
crimson -
great azure -
lyre-leaved -
mealy cup -
Mexican -
Roemer +
shrubby -
Texas -
wood -
Sago-lily -
Salsify +++
meadow +++
Salt bush ++++
Salvia, autumn +
blue -
garden +
lanceleaf -
scarlet -
Sand-bean ++
Sandbells +
Sandbur -
Sand-dune weed +
Sand verbena +
pink ++
yellow +
Sandwort +
thyme-leaved +
Sandywink +
Sapodilla vine +++
Sarsaparilla, wild ++
Sarsaparilla vine +
Sassafras +++
Savory summer -
Saw-brier -
Saw-palmetto -
Saxifrage ++
golden +
Scabiosa, Caucasian ++
sweet ++
Scarlet-bush +
Scrambled eggs +
Seakale +
Sedge -
Seedbox +
Senna, wild ++
Sensitive-plant +
wild ++
Serviceberry ++
Sesame +
Sesbania +
Shad scale ++
Shallot -
Shallu -
Sheep-laurel ++
Shellflower -
Shepherd's barometer +
Shepherd's purse -
Shooting-star, common +
southern +
Shrub-althea +++
Sida, small-leaved +++
Silk-oak +++
Silverbell ++
Silverberry ++
Silver-leaf ++
Skunk-cabbage -
yellow -
Skunk-daisy ++
Slipperwort -
Smartweed +
Smoke-tree ++
Smoketree ++
Snail flower -
Snailseed +
Snake-apple -
Snake herb +
Snakeroot, black -
button +
white ++
Snapdragon -
Sneezeweed, fine-leaf ++
purple-head ++
Snowball, common ++
Snowberry, common -
Snowdrop -
Snowdrop-tree ++
Snow-on-the mountain +++
Soapberry ++++
Soapweed -
Soapwort +
Solomonseal -
false -
Sorghum -
Sorgo -
Sorrel, sheep +
tall +
violet wood -
wood -
Sotol -
Sourgrass -
Sourwood +++
Sow thistle, common ++
field +
spiny-leaved ++
Soybean ++++
Spanish bayonet -
Spanish dagger -
Sparkleberry ++
Spearlily -
Spearmint -
Spearwort, lesser +
many-flowered +
Speedwell, common +
corn +
Spelt -
Spicebush -
Spiderlily, western -
Spiderlings ++
Spiderwort -
bracted -
common -
Spinach +
New Zealand +
Spirea, garland. +++
Reeves. +++
Vanhoutte. +++
Spring beauty +
wide-leaf +
Spruce, Colorado. ++
Engelmann. +++
Japanese. ++
pyramidal. ++
Norway. +++
red. ++
tigertail. ++
white. ++
Spurge, cypress. +++
flowering. +++
hairy. +++
leafy. +++
round-leaf. +++
spotted. +++
toothed. +++
Spurry +
Squash +
Squill -
Squirrel-tail grass -
Staggerwort. ++
Star-cucumber. -
Star flower +
Stargrass. -
Starlily. -
Star-of-Bethlehem -
Starthistle +
Star-tulip, yellow -
Statice +
white. +
Stavesacre. +
St.-Bernard-lily -
Stick-leaf. ++
Stick-seed. +
Stick-tight. +
Stick-weed. ++
St. John's-wort. +
Stock, common. +
Grecian. +
ten-week. +
Stone-mint. -
Stork's bill. -
Strawberry. -
Strawberrybush. ++
Strawflower. -
Styrax. +
Sudan grass. -
Sugar-apple. ++
Sugarberry. +
Sugarcane. -
Sumac, lemonade. ++
poison. +++
shining. ++
smooth. ++
staghorn. ++
Summer-cypress. ++
Sundrops, rose. ++
Sunflower, ashy +++
common +++
cucumber ++
cucumber-leaf +++
few-leaf. ++
garden +++
giant +++
hoary ++
Maximilian ++
narrow-leaf ++
prairie ++
silverleaf ++
stiff ++
stiff-haired +++
swamp ++
thin-leaf ++
thread-leaf ++
Sun-rose +
Supplejack ++
Swamp-pink -
Sweetbay ++
Sweet cicely ++
Sweetclover, white +++
yellow +++
Sweetflag -
Sweetgum +++
Formosa +++
Sweet pea +
Sweet potato ++++
Sweet-potato, wild ++
Sweet-spire ++
Sweet-sultan +++
Sweet William +
Sycamore +
Tall-cupflower +
Tallowtree, Chinese +++
Tamarack ++
Tamarix ++
African +
Amur +
evergreen ++
five-stamen ++
French ++
Juniper ++
Odessa +++
Tangerine +++
Tanglewood ++
Taro -
Tar weed ++
Tar-weed ++
Tasajillo ++
Tassel-flower ++
Teasel, common +
Teosinte -
Mexican -
Texas plume +
Thistle, Barnaby's +
blessed ++
blue ++
bull ++
Canada +++
field +
Russian +++
slender +++
swamp ++
tall +++
woolly ++
hyssop-leaf ++
late-flowering ++
round-leaf +++
shrubby +
tall ++
Thyme -
Tickseed, leafy-bracted ++
small +++
western ++
Tievine ++
Tobacco, Aztec +++
common ++
jasmine ++
tree +
wild ++
Tomatilla +++
Tomato +
Toothache-tree ++
Torch-lily -
Tornillo ++
Touch-me-not +
Towelgourd Suakwa -
Tree-mallow +++
Tree-of-heaven +++
Trillium -
Triplet-lily -
Trompillo ++
Troutlily, common -
white -
Trumpet, catclaw +++
Trumpet-bush, Florida +++
Trumpetcreeper ++
Trumpet-flower ++
yellow +++
Tuberose -
Indian +
Tulip -
Tuliptree +++
Tumbleweed +
Tung-oil tree ++
Turkey tangle +
Turnip ++
Twin-berry +
Umbrella plant -
Unicorn-plant, common ++
sweet +
Valerian, common +
Varnish-tree ++
Verbena, blue -
clump +
Dakota -
garden -
Vervain -
European -
large-bracted +
narrow-leaved -
nettle-leaved -
Vetch, common
joint ++
spring +
Texas wild ++
wild ++
winter. ++
Vetchling +
Violet -
English -
garden -
horned -
Violets, grass -
Virgins-bower, western +
Viznaga ++
Viznagita ++
Wafer ash ++
Wahoo ++
Wallflower -
common -
Walnut, black +++
English +++
Japanese +++
Mexican ++++
Persian +++
Wandering Jew -
Water-hemp, southern ++
western +
whitish ++
Watermelon +
Wax-mallow ++
large-flowered ++
red +++
Weigela, Japanese ++
rose ++
snow ++
Wheat -
Wheat thief +
White brush +
White-camas -
White-leaf ++
Whitlow-grass -
Willow, black +++
desert +++
golden +++
gulf +++
prairie +++
pussy +++
red +++
water +++
weeping ++++
white +++
Wind-flower +
Wine cup +++
Wine flower +++
Wintercreeper +
Wintercress -
Wintergreen -
Wire vine +
Wisteria ++
Japanese ++
Witchgrass -
Witch-hazel ++
Wolfberry +
Wood violet +
Wormseed ++
Wormwood, Roman +
Yam -
Yarrow ++
Yaupon +
Yew, Chinese +++
English ++
Japanese ++
Yucca -
common -
saw -
Zebra plant -
Zephyrlily -
Zinnia, common +
Mexican +