Images & text copyright by Wildseed Farms
Bishop's Flower
Ammi majus (Apiaceae)

An erect, branching annual easily established from seed. Native to North Africa and Eurasia, it has naturalized throughout much of the United States. The plant produces an abundance of large, rounded, five to six inch flower heads made up of small snow-white florets. Does not seem to be temperamental about soil conditions, but does require full sun. Looks very similar to Queen Anne's lace and will produce blooms the first year.
Average planting success with this species: 70%
Height: 2 1/2-3 feet
Germination: 7-25 days
Optimum soil temperature for germination: 55F-65F
Sowing depth: 1/16"
Blooming period: May-August
Average seeds per pound: 867,000
Seeds/Pkt: 1,525
Seeding rate: 2 lbs. per acre
1 oz Covers: 1,361 sq. ft.
Suggested use: Cut flower gardens, roadsides, disturbed areas
Miscellaneous: Extensively used in the cut-flower industry. Requires a minimal amount of moisture once established. |