Images & text copyright by Wildseed Farms
Alamo Fire
Lupinus texensis (Fabaceae)

Wildseed Farms is proud to introduce an exclusive introduction, the ALAMO FIRE. A Bluebonnet with an "Attitude" for the 21st century. Wildseed Farms, in conjunction with Dr. Jerry Parsons, offers this unique variety that has taken over 20 years to develop for your gardening pleasure. The original plant was found in the wild near San Antonio, Texas.
Alamo Fire cannot tolerate poorly drained, clay based soils. Seed planted in poorly drained soils will germinate, but plants will never fully develop. Prefers a sloped area in light to gravelly, well-drained soil. Requires full sun.
Average planting success with this species: 60%
Height: 1-2 feet
Germination: 15-75 days
Optimum soil temperature for germination: 55F-70F
Sowing depth: 1/8"
Blooming period: March-May
Average seeds per pound: 13,500
Seeds/Pkt: 120
Seeding rate: 35 lbs. per acre
1 oz Covers: 78 sq. ft.
Suggested use: Raised flower beds, half wooden barrels.
Miscellaneous: Cross-pollination may occur in future generations. To keep plants true to color, remove any plant that blooms in purple or blue shades as soon as possible. |