Images & text copyright by Wildseed Farms
Rose Angel
Viscaria oculata (Caryophyllaceae)

A hardy, upright annual very easy to grow from seed throughout much of North America. This Old World variety is regaining popularity for its consistent flowering over the long summer season. Without a doubt, a stunning spring beauty with numerous one inch, bright rose colored flowers. Requires full sun in well-drained soils. A unique, carefree variety requiring very little attention.
Average planting success with this species: 80%
Height: 8-20 inches
Germination: 15-25 days
Optimum soil temperature for germination: 70F-75F
Sowing depth: Surface Sow
Blooming period: May-September
Average seeds per pound: 4,250,000
Seeds/Pkt: 2,810
Seeding rate: 1 lb. per acre
1 oz Covers: 2,723 sq. ft.
Suggested use: Floral gardens, wooden barrels, roadsides.
Miscellaneous: Sow seed directly. Does not transplant well. Truly spectacular when heavily seeded in an isolated area. |