Images & text copyright by Wildseed Farms
Rocky Mountain Penstemon
Penstemon strictus (Scrophulariaceae)

An upright perennial native to the western and central United States. The closely packed snapdragon-like, purple, tubular flowers are arranged on a sturdy spike. Prefers full sun, but will tolerate partial shade in extremely hot climates. Requires adequate drainage for best results.
Average planting success with this species: 60%
Height: 2-3 1/2 feet
Germination: 15-30 days
Optimum soil temperature for germination: 55F-60F
Sowing depth: 1/16"
Blooming period: May-July
Average seeds per pound: 592,000
Seeds/Pkt: 375
Seeding rate: 4 lbs. per acre
1 oz Covers: 681 sq. ft.
Suggested use: Slopes, hill sides, roadsides, mixtures.
Miscellaneous: Not hardy everywhere but worth trying. Excellent variety to attract butterflies and hummingbirds to the garden. |