Plant Answers  >  Friends of PLANTanswers: Tom Harris

Tom Harris, Ph.D. IS Every Gardener’s Friend

Tom Harris, Ph. D., goes by the name of Country Gardener. He is a Master Gardener certified by the State of Texas, a Master Pruner certified by the San Antonio Botanical Garden, and a founder and volunteer for the Gardening Volunteers of South Texas (GVST). From the Master Gardener program he has received advanced training in plant diseases, insects, drip irrigation, hazardous waste, compost and soils, and has been actively involved in vegetable trials and plant propagation.

He has been president of the Bexar County Master Gardeners, Master Gardener of the Year, and editor of the Bexar County Master Gardener newsletter. He is also active as a speaker and teacher for the organization. He does lots of speaking for other groups and continuing education classes for the local school districts, writes a weekly newspaper gardening column and articles for magazines, newsletters, etc. He has contributed several articles to such as:

Care of Gardening Tools at:


Making a Rain Barrel at:

More of his articles can be found at:

or purchased at:


Tom has contributed and edited all of the Yearly Gardening Calenders on at:

He is a the only certified Square Foot Gardening instructor in Texas and gives many educational programs as listed at:

He is self-employed as Dr. Phixit doing basic home maintenance projects for customers in the area. He does lots of wood working and repair of wooden items, sharpening, and tool maintenance. If you need these types of services, write to Tom at

The latest service he has added to his business is what he terms a "YARD AUDIT." It amounts to Tom coming to your home and doing a walk-through with you in your yard to evaluate what's there while answering any questions you may have about the yard.

THANKS, TOM, for all that you have done and continue to do for the Horticulture community in this area


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