
Eight-year-old Destinee Love enjoys the Salvia farinacea
(Mealy Sage)
growing wild on the Love ranch near Junction, Texas.

Salvia farinacea in the family Lamiaceae (Labiatae) is a
native plant
with long, narrow leaves which grow in clusters. Plants
have square
stems and velvet flowers which have 5 petals with a sage

As in any native plant population, some white flowers exist

To show how drought-tolerant this Salvia is, just look at
plants. |

In a pasture where goats and sheep graze, the only greenery
which is
not destroyed is the foliage of Agarita plants with red-ripe
berries and
the Salvia farinacea. This Salvia is the dominant parent
of the 'Henry
Duelberg' salvia and this is why deer or goats will not
eat 'Henry
Duelberg' salvia in the landscape.

The highway department uses Salvia farinacea in combination
with other
wildflowers to beautify Interstate 10 between Junction and

The panoramic beauty of Salvia farinacea is enhanced with
wildflowers. |
this Duelberg Sage
Low maintenance, heat tolerant, native perennial with masses
of showy blue flowers. Zone 7.
Flowers: Spikes of showy blue flowers from spring until frost.
More floriferous than other cultivars.
Care: Shear frequently between bloom cycles to promote rebloom.
Foliage: Healthy, larger and greener than the species, mildew
Exposure: Full sun. Heat tolerant, Duelberg sage is a showy,
blue flowered perennial which blooms vigorously from spring until
Water: Low to medium.
Habit: Vigorous, busy mass. 3 feet x 3 feet.
Uses: Bedding, containers, xeriscape, perennial border, cut flower,
Note: Texas native. Found by Greg Grant in a small central Texas
cemetery. Taller with bluer and more floriferous flowers and larger
greener leaves than modern cultivars. Not preferred by deer. |