*Not grown on the Experiment Station.
Cold Hardiness: 9-Hardy; 5-Fairly Hardy; 1-Tender
Adaptability: 9-Excellent; 5-Fair; 1-Poor
Desirability: 9-Desirable; 5-Fairly Desirable; 1-Undesirable.

Mature size
Cold Hardiness
Spread (feet)
Abelia grandiflora
3- 4 2- 3 9 2 2 Unadapted
Acacia amentacea
(Black Brush)
5- 6 2 9 9 9 Attractive flowering native
Acacia angustissima
(Prairie Guajillo)
3 3 9 9 5 Dwarf; drought resistant
Acacia Berlandieri
8-10 6- 8 9 9 5 Drought resistant, flowering native
Acacia tortuosa*
3- 4 2- 3 9 9 5 Small flowering native
Allamanda neriifolia
(Yellow Bash Allamanda)
4 2 3 9 8 Glossy leaves; yellow flowers
Allamanda violacea*
(Purple Allamanda)
4- 6 2 3 8 5 Glossy leaves; rosy flowers
Ardisia crispa
2- 4 2- 3 6 2 2 Unadapted
Artobotrys odoratissmus
(Cinnamon Jasmine)
6-10 4- 5 9 9 6 Interesting climbing shrub
Asclepias tuberosa
(Butterfly Weed)
1- 2 1- 2 6 9 4 Showy flower clusters
Atriplex acanthocarpa*
(Salt Brush)
2- 4 2- 4 9 9 3 Native, gray ground-cover
Baccharis neglecta
(False Willow)
5-10 2- 3 9 9 0 Willow-like native
Beloperone guttata
(Shrimp Plant)
2- 4 2- 3 3 9 9 Interesting flowering shrub
Berberis Swazeyii*
(Five Leaf Barberry)
2- 4 2- 4 9 6 4 Ornamental berries
Berberis trifoliata*
2- 4 2- 4 9 6 4 Ornamental berries
Breynia nivosa
var. roseo-pictus
(Callico Bush)
4- 8 3 9 2 2 Showy colored foliage
Buddleia asiatica
(White Butterfly Bush)
6- 8 1- 2 9 9 6 Upright growing
Buddleia Davidi
(Purple Butterfly Bush)
6- 8 2- 3 9 0 5 Unadapted
Buddleia Davidi
var. superba*
(Rose Butterfly Bush)
6- 8 2- 3 9 0 0 Unadapted
Buddleia globosa
(Orange Butterfly Bush)
6- 8 2- 3 9 0 0 Unadapted
Buddleia madagascariensis
(Yellow Butterfly Bush)
8-20 5- 6 9 9 7 Gray leaves; yellow flowers
Buddleia sp.
(Blue Butterfly Bush)
6- 8 2- 3 9 5 5 Short lived
Buxus microphylla
var. japonica*
(Japanese Box)
5- 6 4 9 9 9 Limited usefulness
Buxus sempervirens*
(English Box)
10-15 10 9 9 9 Limited usefulness
Buxus sempervirens
var. suffruticosa
(Dwarf Box)
1- 2 2/3 9 9 9 Limited usefulness
Callicarpa americana
(French Mulberry)
3- 4 2- 3 6 9 9 Showy berries
Calycanthus floridus
(Sweet Scented Shrub)
4- 5 4- 5 9 3 3 Lacks vigor
Camellia japonica
2- 5 2- 4 9 4 4 Occasionally successful
Canna generalis
2-15 2- 3 4 9 5 Strictly ordinary
Cantua bicelor*
(Sacred Flower)
4- 6 2- 3 2 6 5 Flowering plants
Cantua buxifolia*
(Magic Flower)
4- 6 2- 3 2 6 5 Flowering plants
Carissa Arduina
var. nana
(Dwarf Carissa)
2- 4 1- 2 5 8 3 Limited usefulness
Carissa grandiflora
(Natal Plum)
3-10 3- 4 5 9 9 Showy flowers and fruit
Carissa spinarum
(Spiny Dwarf Carissa)
1 1/2
1/2- 2/3 3 5 2 Very dwarf
Caryopteris incana
(Blue Beard)
2- 4 1-
1 1/2
9 3 0 Unadapted
Castela texana*
2 1 1/2 9 9 2 Exceedingly thorny
Celastrus scandens
(American Bittersweet)
6-10 6 9 0 0 Unadapted
Celtis pallida
8-15 4- 6 9 9 7 Attractive native; orange berries
Cephalanthus occidentalis
(Button Bush)
5-10 2- 4 9 9 5 Willow-like native
Cerastostigma Willmottianum
(Dark Blue Plumbago)
2- 4 2- 3 4 6 6 Lacks vigor
Cestrum aurantiacum
(Orange jasmine)
3- 5 3- 4 6 9 7 Showy orange colored flowers
Cestrum diurnum
(Day Blooming Jasmine)
5-10 2- 3 6 9 6 Strong scented flowering shrubs
Cestrum nocturnum
(Night Blooming Jasmine)
3- 5 2- 3 6 9 6 Very strong scented
Chaenomeles japonica
(Flowering Quince)
4- 6 3- 5 9 5 6 Limited usefulness
Chrysobalanus Icaco
(Coco Plum)
10-30 4-10 1 3 3 Very tender
Citharexylum Berlandieri
(Fruiting Zitherwood)
5-15 4- 5 8 8 9 Native; profusion of berries
Citharexylum brachyanthum
(Flowering Zitherwood)
5-15 4- 5 8 8 5 Useful native hedge plant
Clerodendrum foetidum
(Rosy Glory Bower)
3- 4 1- 2 7 9 5 Vigorous flowering bush
Clerodendrum fragrans
(Cologne Bush)
3- 5 3 7 9 8 Vigorous; showy flower clusters
Clerodendrum Siphonanthus
(Turk’s Turban)
6- 7 4- 6 8 9 7 Interesting seed clusters
Clerodendrum speciosissimum
(Red Clerodendron Bush)
2- 3 2- 3 7 7 7 Showy red flowers
Coccolobis uvifera
(Sea Grape)
10-20 8-15 1 9 5 Useful for saline soils
Colubrina texensis
(Hog Plum)
2- 5 2- 5 9 9 3 Drought resistant native
Coprosma Baueri
2- 4 2- 4 8 9 9 Showy bronzy foliage
Cotoneaster horizontalis
(Rock Cotoneaster)
2- 3 2- 4 9 0 2 Unadapted
Cotoneaster pannosa
(Silver Cotoneaster)
8-10 3- 4 9 7 7 Gray foliage; showy berries
Cotoneaster pannosa
var. nana
(Dwarf Cotoneaster)
1 1/2
1 9 9 8 Attractive foliage
Cotoneaster Parneyi
(Fruiting Cotoneaster)
6- 8 3- 4 9 4 4 Profusion of berries
Cotoneaster prostrata
(Prostrate Cotoneaster)
8-12 8-10 9 9 7 Tortuous spreading shrub
Coursetia axillaris*
(Baby Bonnets)
2- 3 2- 3 7 9 5 Small pink and white flowers
Cuphea hyssopifolia
(Elfin Herb)
3/4- 1 1/2 8 8 8 Very dwarf; lavender flowers
Cuphea lanceolata
1- 3 1- 2 7 7 7 Showy red flowers
Cuphea miniata
(Cigarette Plant)
3- 5 3- 4 9 9 9 Very showy flowering shrub
Datura arborea
(White Angel Trumpet)
3- 6 3- 6 3 9 7 Profusion of showy flowers
Deutzia scabra
3 3 9 0 0 Unadapted
Diervilla hybrida
4- 6 3- 4 9 0 0 Unadapted
Dombeya punctata
(Dombeya; Rose Bouquet)
5-10 2- 3 3 9 9 Large, erect, flower clusters
Duranta repens
(Lilac Flowered Golden Dew Drop)
8-18 3- 6 9 9 9 Lilac flowers; golden berries
Elaeagnus pungens
6-10 6- 8 9 9 9 Attractive foliage
Ephedra antisyphilitica*
(Joint Fir)
4 2 9 9 7 Interesting native
Eranthemum nervosum
2- 4 2 3 8 9 Showy bright blue flowers
Ervatamia coronaria*
(Pinwheel Jasmine)
3- 5 3- 4 6 9 9 Showy white flowers
Ervatamia coronaria
var. flore-pleno
(Crape Jasmine)
4- 6 2- 3 6 9 9 Showy white flowers
Escallonia rosea
3- 5 3- 5 9 0 0 Unadapted
Eugenia uniflora
(Surinum Cherry)
5-10 4 9 9 9 Glossy leaves; showy fruits
Euonymus japonicus
(Japanese Burning Bush)
4- 6 2 9 4 5 Limited usefulness
Euphorbia heterophylla
(Mexican Poinsettia)
3- 4 1- 2 2 9 5 Weedy native
Euphorbia pulcherrima
6-10 2- 6 2 9 9 Showy floral clusters
Euonymus europaeus
(European Burning Bush)
6- 8 4 9 3 2 Fails to produce berries
Eysenhardtia texana*
(Rock Brush)
8-10 4- 6 9 9 7 Flowering native
Fallugia paradoxa*
(Apache Plume)
3- 4 3- 4 9 9 5 Resembles wild rose
Fatshedera Lizci
3- 4 2 9 2 2 Unadapted
Feijoa Sellowiana
5- 8 4- 5 9 9 9 Gray foliage; rosy flowers
Forestiera angustifolia
(Elbow Bush)
4 3 9 9 5 Dark green native bush
Forsythia intermedia
var. densiflora
6- 8 4- 5 9 2 0 Unadapted
Fuchsia hybrida
1- 3 1 5 2 2 Unadapted for out-of-doors
Gardenia grandiflora
(Cape Jasmine)
4- 6 3- 4 9 5 5 Occasionally successful
Genista hispanica
(Spanish Broom)
1- 2 1 4 9 6 Dark green; yellow flowers
Gyminda latifolia*
(Wild Boxwood)
3 1 1/2 9 9 5 Drought resistant native
Hamelia erecta
(Scarlet Bush)
3-10 3- 5 7 8 9 Reddish leaves; red flowers
Hebe Andersonii
(Speedwell; Veronica)
4-10 4- 5 9 0 0 Unadapted
Hibiscus calycinus
(Yellow Flowered Hibiscus)
2- 3 1- 2 5 7 9 Very showy single yellow flowers
Hibiscus cannabius
(Yellow Flowered Hibiscus)
2- 3 1- 2 5 3 9 Very showy double flowers
Hibiscus cardiophyllus
(Silver Leaf Hibiscus)
1- 2 1/2- 2/3 9 9 7 Dwarf; bright red flowers
Hibiscus heterophyllus
(Australian Hibiscus)
2- 4 1- 2 5 7 7 Large white flowers
Hibiscus mutabilis
(Cotton Rose)
6- 8 3- 4 4 9 7 Showy flowers
Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis
(Chinese Hibiscus)
10-20 5- 6 5 9 9 Profusion of showy flowers
Hibiscus schizopetalus
(Fringed Hibiscus)
2- 4 1- 3 5 8 8 Deeply cut, fringed flowers
Hibiscus syriacus
8-15 2 9 9 6 Ordinary flowering shrub
Holmskioldia sanguinea
(Chinese Hat Plant)
6-20 4- 6 6 9 9 Very attractive flowering shrub
Hydrangea macrophylla
2- 3 2- 3 2 5 5 Occasionally successful
Ilex vomatoria
4-10 3- 5 9 5 5 Dwarf; showy berries
Ipomoea crassicaulis
(Texas Bush Morning Glory
6-10 4- 5 6 9 9 Profusion of showy flowers
Ixora fulgens
(Indian Flame Bush)
3- 6 3- 5 6 9 9 Showy red flowers
Jasminum floridum
(Florida Jasmine)
3- 6 3- 4 9 9 9 Glossy; small yellow flowers
Jasminum grandiflorum*
(Spanish Jasmine)
2- 3 2- 3 9 9 7 Small white flowers
Jasminum humile
(Italian Jasmine)
5- 7 3- 4 9 7 6 Few flowers
Jasminum primulinum
(Primrose Jasmine)
3- 5 3- 5 9 9 7 Inferior to J. floridum
Jasminum Sambac
(Arabian Jasmine)
3- 5 3- 4 8 8 8 Fragrant; double white flowers
Jasminum Sambac
(Maid of Orleans Jasmine)
1- 2 1- 2 5 9 7 Trailing type; semi-double flowers
Jatropha Curcas
(Physic Nut)
6-10 4- 5 5 9 9 Showy foliage, flowers and fruit
Jatropha spathulata*
(Leather Weed)
2 2 9 9 5 Thick, glossy leaves
Juniperus chinensis Pfitzeriana*
(Pfitzer’s Juniper)
6- 8 6- 8 9 9 9 Excellent dwarf type
Juniperus horizontalis
var. Douglasii
(Waukegan Horizontal; Creeping Juniper)
6- 8 8-12 9 9 9 Semi-dwarf, spreading type
Karwinskia Humboltiana
3- 4 2 9 9 5 Attractive native bush
Kerria japonica
(Globe Flower)
3- 6 3- 4 9 3 3 Lacks vigor
Koeberlinia spinosa*
(All Thorn)
6-10 4- 5 9 9 2 Extremely thorny
Kolkwitzia amabilis
(Beauty Bush)
3- 6 3- 4 9 2 0 Unadapted
Lagerstroemia indica
(Common Crape Myrtle)
6- 8 3- 5 9 9 8 Attractive flowers in season
Lagerstroemia speciosa*
(Queen Crape Myrtle)
8-20 5- 7 9 8 8 Very large flower clusters
Lantana camara
4- 6 4- 5 9 9 9 Showy flowers
Lantana camara
var. horrida
(Wild Lantana)
4- 6 4- 5 9 9 9 Showy flowered ground-cover
Lantana involucrata
(Wild Lantana)
2 1- 2 9 9 9 Small white flowers
Lantana macropoda
(Long Stem Lantana)
3- 4 1- 2 9 9 9 Lavender and white flowers
Lantana Sellowiana
(Weeping Lantana)
2- 3 2- 3 9 9 9 Profusion of lavender flowers
Larrea tridentata
(Creosote Bush)
3 2 1/2 9 9 8 Myrtle-like foliage
Lawsonia inermis
(Henna; Reseda)
4- 6 4- 5 9 9 7 Interesting flowering shrub
Leonotis Leonurus
(Lion’s Tail)
3- 5 4- 5 9 7 4 Weak-growing plants
Leucaphyllum frutescens
3-10 3- 5 9 9 9 Silvery foliage; lavender flowers
Ligustrum amurense
(Amur River Privet)
15-20 4- 6 9 9 5 Useful hedge plant
Ligustrum lucidum
var. compactum
(Glossy Privet)
15-20 4- 5 9 9 7 Glossy compact foliage
Lippia Berlandieri
(Red Brush)
2- 4 2 9 9 9 Attractive rosy flowers
Lippia ligustrina
(White Brush; Bee Brush)
2- 4 2 9 9 9 Fine foliage; white flowers
Lycium sp.
10-15 3- 5 9 9 7 Dense foliage; red berries
Malpighia corigera
(Holly Malpighia)
4- 6 3- 4 1 6 5 Very attractive but tender
Malpighia glabra
(Barbados Cherry)
5- 6 4- 5 9 8 8 Glossy foliage; bright fruits
Malpighia glabra
(Wild Barbados Cherry)
6-10 4- 5 9 9 9 Native Barbados Cherry
Malvaviscus Drummondii
(Wild Turk’s Cap)
2- 3 2 7 9 9 Semi-dwarf; showy flowers
Malvaviscus grandiflorus
(Turk’s Cap)
5- 8 4- 5 7 9 9 Vigorous; profusion of flowers
Maytenus phyllanthoides*
(Leather Leaf)
3 2 9 9 6 Thick leafed native
Michelia fuscata*
(Banana Shrub)
10-15 6- 8 3 7 7 Ornamental foliage
Mortonia Greggii*
3 2 9 9 7 Dwarf native; fine leaves
Murraea paniculata
3- 6 3- 4 1 7 3 Very tender
Myrica cerifera*
(Wax Myrtle)
4- 5 2- 3 9 9 5 Strictly ordinary; requires moisture
Myrtus communis
var. compacta*
(Dwarf Myrtle)
2- 3 2- 3 9 9 7 Limited usefulness
Myrtus communis
var. microphylla*
(Narrow Leaf Myrtle)
4- 6 2- 3 9 9 7 Limited usefulness
Myrtus communis
var. romana
(True Myrtle)
5-10 2- 3 9 9 7 Limited usefulness
Nandina domestica
3- 6 2- 2 1/2 9 9 9 Attractive foliage; showy berries
Nerium oleander
10-15 3- 5 9 9 7 Strictly ordinary
Pachystachys coccinea
(Scarlet Jacobina)
3- 4 1- 2 4 9 9 Ornamental foliage and flowers
Pachystachys velvutina*
(Rose Justicia)
2 1- 3 6 7 5 Dusty-rose colored flowers
Philadelphus coronarius
(Mock Orange)
6-10 3- 4 9 2 0 Unadapted
Photinia serrulata
(Low Photinia)
10-15 3 9 9 9 Attractive foliage
Phytolacca americana
5- 6 2- 3 3 9 5 Weedy plant; showy berries
Pisonia aculeata
(Wild Bougainvillea)
6-10 3- 5 4 9 6 Glossy foliage; very thorny
Pithecolobium brevifolium*
(Gulf Coast Guajillo)
10 6 9 9 7 Drought resistant, flowering native
Pittosporum daphniphylloides
(Daphne Leaf Pittosporum)
10-15 6- 8 9 9 7 Inferior to P. tobira
Pittosporum phillyraeoides
(Narrow Leaf Pittosporum)
3- 4 3- 4 9 9 7 Narrow, dull green leaves
Pittosporum Tobira
(Japanese Pittosporum)
10-20 10-20 9 9 9 Dense, glossy leafed shrub
Pittosporum Tobira var. variegata
(Variegated Pittosporum)
6- 7 3- 4 9 9 9 Limited usefulness
Plumbago capensis
(Blue Plumbago)
5-10 5- 6 6 9 9 Sky-blue flowers; vigorous
Plumbago indica
(Pink; Red Plumbago)
5-10 1- 2 6 5 5 Lacks vigor
Plumbago scandens
(White Plumbago)
5-15 3- 6 6 9 9 Light green; white flowers
Plumaria alba
(White flowered Frangipani)
10-15 2- 5 3 9 9 Showy flowering tropical plant
Poinciana Gilliesi
(Bird of Paradise Bush)
3- 4 2- 3 9 9 6 Yellow flowered native
Poinciana pulcherrima
(Flower Fence)
8-10 2- 4 9 9 9 Showy red-yellow flowers
Polyscias Balfouriana
(Dwarf Aralia)
2- 3 1 4 7 5 Glossy foliage plant; variegated
Polyscias Guilfoylei*
(Tall Aralia)
4- 6 1 4 8 8 Variegated glossy foliage
Porlieria angustifolia
10-15 4- 6 9 9 7 Narrow leafed tortuous native
Prosopis cinerascens*
(Screw Bean)
1 1/2- 3/4 9 9 7 Very dwarf Mesquite
Punica granatum
(Fruiting Pomegranate)
6- 8 3- 4 9 7 5 Strictly ordinary
Punica granatum
var. Legrellei
(Flowering Pomegranate)
3- 5 1- 2 9 9 7 Showy double flowers
Punica granatum
var. nana
(Dwarf Pomegranate)
1/2- 2/3 1/3- 1/2 9 9 9 Attractive dwarf plant
Pyracantha crenato-serrata
(Spreading Firethorn)
5-15 4- 5 9 9 8 Dense; bright berries
Pyracantha crenulata
(Upright Firethorn)
10-15 4- 5 9 9 9 Upright; profusion of berries
Randia mitis
(Palo de Pasto)
5-10 3- 6 9 9 7 Thorny native shrub
Reinwardtia indica
(Gold Eagle)
2- 3 2- 3 8 9 9 Showy flowering bush
Rhododendron indica
2- 4 2- 3 7 1 3 Occasionally successful
Robinia hispida
(Rose Acacia)
3- 4 3 9 0 0 Unadapted
Rosa sp.
3- 5 2 9 7 7 Showy flowers; unattractive plants
Salvia ballotaeflora
(Shrubby Blue Sage)
3- 4 2- 3 9 9 9 Small sky-blue flowers
(Texas Red Sage)
2/3- 2 1/3- 2/3 9 9 7 Weedy; bright red flowers
Salvia farinacea
(Mealy Blue Sage)
2- 3 1/3- 2/3 9 9 7 Greyish; dusty-blue flowers
Salvia leucantha
(Mexican Purple Sage)
2/3- 2 1/3- 2/3 9 9 9 Deep blue velvety flowers
Salvia Pitcheri
(Great Azure Sage)
2- 3 1/3- 2/3 9 9 7 Deep blue flowers
Salvia splendens
(Scarlet Sage)
2/3- 2 1/3- 2/3 9 9 7 Strictly ordinary
Sambuous Rehderana
(Mexican Elder)
8 4- 6 5 9 5 Weedy; large flower clusters
Schaefferia cuneifolia
(Desert Yaupon)
2- 3 2- 3 9 9 9 Dwarf berry plant
Severinia buxifolia
4- 6 3- 4 5 9 7 Limited usefulness
Sophora tomentosa
(Yellow Sophora)
5- 8 4- 5 9 9 7 Gray foliage; yellow flowers
Spiraea Billiardia
(Pink Spiraea or Bridal-Wreath)
4- 5 3- 4 9 3 0 Unadapted
Spiraea Bumalda
var. Froebeli
(Red Spiraea)
4- 5 3- 4 9 3 0 Unadapted
Spiraea Vanhouttei
(White Spiraea or Bridal-Wreath)
4- 5 3- 4 9 3 3 Occasionally successful
Stenolobium (Tecoma) stans
var. latifolia
6-18 3- 4 6 9 9 Showy yellow flowers
Symphoricarpos albus
4- 5 4- 5 9 6 6 Interesting berry plant
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus
2- 3 1- 2 9 9 6 Many small red berries
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus
var. parviflorus*
(Indian Currant)
4 2- 3 9 9 6 Many small red berries
Syringa vulgaris
(Common Lilac)
10-20 4- 5 9 0 0 Unadapted
Tetrapanax papyriferum
(Rice Paper Plant)
6-10 2- 3 7 9 9 Showy foliage plant
Tecomeria capensis
(Cape Honeysuckle)
4- 8 4- 5 6 9 9 Showy scarlet flowers
Thea sinensis
(Tea Plant)
4- 6 4 0 0 Unadapted
Thryallis glauca
(Thryallis; Yellow Plumbago)
3- 5 3- 4 8 9 9 Continuous profusion of flowers
Thunbergia erecta
(Thunbergia Bush)
3- 4 3- 4 4 7 8 Showy dark blue flowers
Tibouchina glandulosa
(Princess Flower)
4- 6 3- 4 5 0 0 Unadapted
Ungnadia speciosa
(Mexican Buckeye)
5-10 3- 5 9 9 7 Deciduous; showy buckeyes
Vitex Agnus-castus*
(Chaste Tree)
6-20 4- 5 9 9 9 Scented foliage; deep blue flowers
Vitex Negundo
var. incisa
(Cut Leaf Chaste Tree)
10-15 4- 5 9 9 9 Fine foliage; light blue flowers
Viburnum japonicum
(Japanese Viburnum)
5- 6 2- 3 9 9 7 Dark green foliage
Xanthoxylum Fagara
6- 8 5 9 9 5 Very thorny native
Xylosma flexuosa
5-20 5- 6 9 9 9 Thorny; showy berries

Ornamentals for the Rio Grande Valley