Prepared by
Keith C. Hansen
Smith County Extension Horticulturist

This compilation of landscape plants for northeast Texas is intended to be used as a guide for selecting plants which are proven performers. Input for the list came from leading horticulturists, growers and nurserymen from throughout the region. The following plants are hardy, reliable, lack major problems and are readily available in our area. There are many other good plants which also merit attention; not everyone's favorite will be on the list. However, you can be sure these will thrive in your landscape given reasonable care.

Plants are listed alphabetically by common name within categories, followed by: (other common names), botanical name, light preference, evergreen or deciduous, along with comments regarding cultivars, special needs or attributes, and average landscape width.

Within some categories, some plant groups may have several outstanding members, such as hollies and oaks. A few species or varieties are listed to highlight some of the best in that group.


Ajuga - (Carpet Bugle); Ajuga reptans; partial shade to shade

Asiatic Jasmine - Trachelospermum asiaticum; sun to shade

English Ivy - Hedera helix; shade; also is an excellent clinging vine

Ferns - several species including: holly fern, wood fern, autumn fern; shade; 2' wide

Juniper - Juniperus spp; sun; several selections including: 'Blue Pacific', 'Bar Harbor, 'Blue Chip', 'Shore', 'Green Mound'; J. procumbens (Japanese garden juniper); 'Blue Rug'; 5' wide

Liriope - (Lily Turf); Liriope muscari; shade; several selections including: 'Majestic', 'Big Blue', 'Variegated'; 1' wide

Mondograss - (Monkeygrass); Ophiopogon japonicus; partial shade to shade; cultivars include: 'Nanus' (dwarf), 'Nigrescens' (black)

Purple Wintercreeper - Euonymus fortunei 'Colorata'; sun to shade

Vinca - (Periwinkle); Vinca major, V. minor; partial shade to shade; several selections including: V. major 'Variegata', V. minor 'Bowles'


Boston Ivy - Parthenocissus tricuspidata; sun to partial shade; deciduous, cultivars include 'Veitchi' and 'Lowii'

Carolina Jessamine - Gelsemium sempervirens; sun to partial shade; semi-evergreen

Clematis - Clematis spp.; sun to partial shade; deciduous to semi-evergreen; the best adaped is Sweet Autumn Clematis (C. Terniflora); keep roots cool, in shade, top in sun

Coral Honeysuckle - (Trumpet Honeysuckle); Lonicera sempervirens; sun to partial shade; evergreen

Gold Flame Honeysuckle (Lonicera heckrottii); sun to prt shade; evergreen

Crossvine - Bignonia capreolata; sun to partial shade; semi-evergreen

Fig Ivy - (Climbing Fig); Ficus pumila; sun to partial shade; evergreen

Roses (Lady Banksia) - Rosa banksiae 'Lutea'; sun; semi-evergreen

Trumpet Vine - (Trumpet Creeper); Campsis radicans, C. x tagliabuana 'Madam Galen'; sun; deciduous; can be rampant, 'Madam Galen' less invasive

Virginia Creeper - Parthenocissus quinquifolia; sun to shade; deciduous

Wisteria - Wisteria sinensis; sun; deciduous

DWARF SHRUBS - (under 3 feet)

Azaleas - Rhododendron spp; morning sun to shade; semi-evergreen; small azalea types include Gumpo varieties, some Satsuki varieties, 'Coral Bells'; 3' - 4' wide

Barberry (dwarf varieties) - Berberis spp.; sun; deciduous to semi-evergreen; 'Crimson Pygmy', 'Kobold', B. buxifolia 'Nana'; 3' 4' wide

Boxwood - Buxus microphylla; sun to partial shade; evergreen; 'Wintergreen', Japanese boxwood; 1' - 4' wide

Dwarf Gardenia - Gardenia jasminoides 'Radicans'; sun to part shade; evergreen; occasional winter damage, best in protected location; 2' - 3' wide

Holly - Ilex spp; sun to shade; evergreen; several excellent species and cultivars: I. vomitoria 'Nana', 'Schillings' (dwarf yaupon holly); I. cornuta 'Rotunda' (dwarf Chinese holly); I. crenata 'Helleri', 'Compacta' (dwarf Japanese holly); 2 _' - 3 _ wide

Junipers - Juniperus spp; sun; evergreen; 'Tam Juniper'; 4' wide

Indian Hawthorn - Raphiolepis indica; sun to part shade; evergreen; 'Enchantress', 'Pinkie', 'Clara' and other dwarf varieties; 3' - 4' wide

Mini or Dwarf Crepe Myrtles - Lagerstroemia indica (dwarf varieties); sun; deciduous; 3' wide

Nandina - Nandina domestica (dwarf varieties); sun to partial shade; evergreen; color is best in full sun; 'Nana', 'Harbor Dwarf', 'Gulf Stream"; 2 _' wide

Spirea - Spirea spp; sun; deciduous; 'Anthony Waterer', 'Little Princes', 'Heather'; 2' - 3' wide

SMALL SHRUBS (3 to 6 feet)

Abelia - (Glossy Abelia); Abelia grandiflora; sun to partial shade; semi-evergreen; 'Compacta', 'Edward Goucher'; 4' wide

Aucuba - (Gold Dust Aucuba); Aucuba japonica; shade; evergreen; 'Variegata' (Gold Dust), 'Picturata'; 3' wide

Azalea - Rhododendron spp.; morning sun to shade; semi-evergreen; many to choose from; 3' - 8' wide

Barberry - (Japanese Barberry); Berberis thunbergii; sun; semi-evergreen; 'Atropurpurea', 'Rose Glow'; 4' - 5' wide

Camellia - (Sasanqua); Camellia sasanqua; partial shade; evergreen; hundreds of varieties, 'Shishi Gashira' is one of several low growers - ask your nurseryman for other varieties; 3' - 5' wide

Dwarf Crepe Myrtle - Lagerstroemia indica semi-dwarf varieties; sun; deciduous; range of sizes, colors; 4' - 5' wide

Holly - Ilex cornuta; sun; evergreen; 'Dwarf Burford', 'Berries Jubilee', 'Dazzler'; other varieties can be sheared to maintain height; 3' - 5' wide

Indian Hawthorn - Raphiolepis indica; sun to partial shade; evergreen; several cultivars; 4' - 6' wide

Juniper - Juniperus spp; sun; evergreen; 'Compact Pfitzer', 'Sea Green', other varieties; 4' - 6' wide

Nandina - Nandina domestica; sun to partial shade; evergreen; 3' - 4' wide

MEDIUM SHRUBS (6 to 9 feet)

Abelia - (Glossy Abelia); Abelia grandiflora; sun to partial shade; semi-evergreen; 5' wide

Camellia - Camellia japonica, C. sasanqua; partial sun; evergreen; hundreds of varieties; Sasanqua varieties bloom early winter, often escaping freeze, while Japanese camellias bloom mid to late winter and often suffer bloom damage unless in a protected location; 4' - 5' wide

Cleyera - Ternstroemia gymnanthera; sun to partial shade; evergreen; 5' wide

Crape Myrtle - Lagerstroemia spp; sun; deciduous; many varieties, look for newer hybrid, intermediate sizes with powdery mildew resistance; 6' - 8' wide

Elaeagnus - Elaeagnus spp;sun to partial shade; evergreen; Elaeagnus 'Ebbingei', 'Fruitlandii'; 4' - 7' wide

Holly - Ilex spp; sun to shade; evergreen; 'Needle Point', 'Burford', 'Nellie R. Stevens'; 4' - 6' wide

Juniper - Juniperus spp; sun; evergreen; 'Blue Vase', 'Blue Point', 'Pfitzer', others; 6' - 9' wide

Ligustrum - (Waxleaf Ligustrum); Ligustrum japonicum;

Photinia, Red Tip - (Fraser's Photinia); Photinia x fraseri; sun; evergreen; can be kept under 10 feet with pruning; susceptible to leaf spot disease which, if severe, can defoliate and weaken plant; 6' - 8' wide

Texas Sage - (Ceniza); Leucophyllum frutescens; sun; evergreen; several cultivars; 4' wide

LARGE SHRUBS (over 9 feet)

Cherry Laurel - Prunus caroliniana; compact variety available; sun to partial shade; evergreen; can grow into small tree; 14' - 16' wide

Crape Myrtle - Lagerstroemia spp; sun; deciduous; hybrid varieties with mildew resistance; 8' - 10' wide

Holly - Ilex spp; sun; evergreen; 'Nellie R. Stevens', 'Foster's', 'Savannah', Yaupon; 6' - 10' wide

Juniper - Juniperus spp; sun; evergreen; many cultivars including 'Skyrocket', 'Blue Point', 'Hollywood'; 6' - 8' wide

Leyland Cypress - Cupressocyparis leylandii; sun; evergreen; can grow to medium-sized tree; 10' - 12' wide

Ligustrum (Glossy Privet, Japanese Ligustrum); Ligustrum lucidum; sun; evergreen; so not confuse with L. japonicum (Waxleaf Ligustrum); can grow into small tree; 10' - 15' wide

Photinia, Chinese - Photinia serrulata; sun; evergreen; can grow into small tree; 10' - 15' wide

Photinia, Red Tip - (Fraser's Photinia); Photinia x fraseri; sun; evergreen; see note under medium shrubs; 8' - 10' wide

Southern Wax Myrtle - Myrica cerifera; sun to partial shade; evergreen; 8' - 12' wide

SMALL TREES (under 20 feet)

Crape Myrtle -Lagerstroemia spp; sun; deciduous; comes in many sizes and forms; hybrids, many with Indian names have powdery mildew resistance, attractive bark, besides showy blooms; 15' wide

Dogwood - Cornus florida; partial sun to shade; white and pink varieties; acid soil; give protection from full sun; 15' - 20' wide

Fringe Tree - (Grancy Greybeard); Chionanthus virginicus; partial shade; deciduous; acid soil; give protection from full sun; 15' wide. Chionanthus retusus (Chinese Fringe Tree) is showier, easier to grow than C. virginicus and tolerates full sun.

Holly - Ilex spp; sun to shade; Yaupon Holly, I. vomitoria (evergreen); Possum Haw or Deciduous Holly, I. decidua (deciduous); only female plants bear fruit; 10' wide

Japanese Black Pine - Pinus thunbergiana; sun; evergreen; 15' wide

Japanese Maple - Acer palmatum, A. japonicum; partial sun to shade; deciduous; many excellent cultivars including 'Bloodgood', 'Crimson Queen'; 10' - 15' wide

Magnolia (deciduous types); Magnolia spp; sun to part shade; deciduous; Saucer or Tulip Magnolia, M. soulangiana; Star Magnolia, M. stellata; and M. hybrids; 15' wide

Ornamental Pear - (Bradford Pear); Pyrus calleryana; sun; deciduous; improved varieties include: 'Aristocrat', 'Capitol', 'Whitehouse'; 15' - 25' wide

Redbud - Cercis canadensis; sun ; deciduous; varieties include: 'Oklahoma'; 15' - 25' wide Cercis canadensis mexicana; sun; deciduous Cercis canadensis texensis; sun; deciduous; varieties include: ëTexasí:15' - 25' wide

Vitex - (Lavender Tree); Vitex agnus-castus; sun; deciduous; 15' wide

MEDIUM TREES (20 to 50 feet)

American Holly - Ilex opaca; sun to shade; evergreen; slow to moderate growth; only female plants bear fruit; 15' - 20' wide

Chinese Pistache - Pistacia chinensis; sun; deciduous; reliable fall color; 30' - 40' wide

Crabapple - Malus spp; sun; deciduous; 20 to 25 feet; select disease resistant cultivars; 25' wide

Lacebark Elm - Ulmus parvifolia; sun to partial shade; deciduous; attractive bark; 35' - 50' wide

Golden Raintree - Koelreuteria paniculata; sun; deciduous; avoid Southern Golden Raintree (K. bipinnata) which has more attractive seedpods but is less hardy; 25' - 30' wide

Leyland Cypress - Cupressocyparis leylandii; sun; evergreen; can grow to medium-sized tree;

12' - 15' wide

Magnolia - Magnolia spp; sun to partial shade; some M. grandiflora (Southern Magnolia) cultivars stay small; M. soulangiana (Saucer or Tulip Magnolia) can grow to 25 feet tall; 15' - 40' wide

Maple, Red - Acer rubrum; sun; deciduous; beautiful fall color; 'Drummondii', 'Sunset'; 25' - 30' wide

Maple, other species - Acer barbatum (Texas Sugar Maple), A. grandidentatum (Bigtooth Maple), A. leucoderme (Chalk Maple); sun; deciduous; 25' - 30' wide

Ornamental Pear - (Bradford Pear); Pyrus calleryana; sun; deciduous; improved varieties include: 'Aristocrat', 'Capitol', 'Whitehouse'; 20' - 25' wide

LARGE TREES (over 50 feet)

Bald Cypress - Taxodium distichum; sun; deciduous; tolerates wet soils; 30' - 40' wide

Blackgum - Nyssa sylvatica; sun; deciduous; fall color; tolerates wet soils; 30' wide

Ginkgo - Ginkgo biloba; sun; deciduous; slow growing, brilliant yellow fall color; 40' wide

Maple - Acer rubrum.; sun; deciduous; Red Maple most common, Trident Red Maple and Drummond Red Maple frequently grown; A. barbatum - Southern Sugar Maple; 25' - 30' wide

Oaks - Quercus spp.; sun; many species - among highest rated are: Shumard Red Oak, Q. shumardii (deciduous); Live Oak, Q. virginiana (evergreen); Willow Oak, Q. phellos (deciduous); White Oak, Q. alba (deciduous); 40' - 70' wide

Pecan - Carya illinoensis; sun; deciduous; 40' - 60' wide

River Birch - Betula nigra; sun; deciduous; attractive peeling bark; 30' wide

Southern Magnolia - Magnolia grandiflora; sun to partial shade; evergreen; 30' - 40' wide

Sweetgum - Liquidamber styraciflua; sun; deciduous; 'Rotundiloba' is a fruitless variety; 30' wide

Tulip Poplar - (Yellow Poplar); Liriodendron tuplipifera; sun; deciduous; 30' - 40' wide


Columbine - Aquilegia spp.; partial sun to shade; A. hinkleyana - Texas Gold Columbine is the best for Texas

Coreopsis - Coreopsis spp; sun; C. grandiflora cultivars such as 'Early Sunrise', 'Baby Sun', 'Sun Ray'; C. verticillata cultivars include 'Moonbeam', 'Zagreb'

Daffodils - Narcissus spp; sun to partial shade; many types readily naturalize including N. jonquilla (jonquils), N. campernelle, N. tazetta (paperwhites)

Daylily - Hemerocallis spp.; sun to partial shade; hundreds of cultivars available

Iris - Iris spp.; sun to partial shade; several types well-adapted including Bearded Iris, Louisiana Iris, Siberian Iris

Phlox - Phlox spp; sun to part shade; P. subulata (thrift) excellent groundcover; P. paniculata (summer phlox)

Salvias - Salvia spp; sun; several species, some semi-hardy; S. farinacea (Mealy Cup or Blue Sage); S. leucantha (Mexican Bush Sage); S. greggii (Autumn Sage)

Sedums - (Stonecrop); Sedum spp; sun; several types and cultivars including 'Autumn Joy', 'Meteor'. 'Brilliant'; stonecrops as groundcovers

Yarrow - (Sunfern); Achillea spp; sun to partial shade; white, pink and yellow forms most common