Milberger's Nursery and Landscaping
3920 North Loop 1604 E.
San Antonio, TX 78247
Open 9 to 6 Mon. through Sat.
and 10 to 5 on Sun.
Three exits east of 281, inside of 1604
Next to the Diamond Shamrock station
Please click map for more detailed map and driving directions.
One simple way to make your yard less attractive to grasshoppers
is to grow plants that will be less attractive to grasshoppers.
The list of plants, shown below, outlines those little-preferred
and not-preferred by grasshoppers. It was developed by John Cooper,
Extension horticulture agent for Denton County, Stan Lovelace, former
Extension horticulture agent, and Tarrant County Master Gardener
Barbara Diltz, based on observations during heavy grasshopper feeding
in Denton and Wise Counties in 1998 and 1999. Additional species
have been added based on reports from other Master Gardeners.
Use this list with caution, understanding that different results
may be obtained under different conditions and with different
grasshopper species. However, planting these grasshopper-resistant
plants in your garden may be worthwhile.
Little Preferred (slight damage)
- Althaea
- Amaryllis
- Bachelor's buttons
- Bee balm
- Bush honeysuckle
- Butterfly bush
- Coral honeysuckle
- Canna
- Cherry laurel
- Daylily
- Dianthus
- Elaeagnus
- Flowering almond
- Grape
- Hardy aster
- Hardy hibiscus
- Horseherb
- Lantana
- Mexican bush sage
- Moss rose
- Nandina
- Passion vine
- Penstemon
- Persian lilac
- Purslane
- Thrif
Not Preferred:
- American beautyberry
- Artemesia
- Bridal wreath spiraea
- Chrysanthemums
- Confederate jasmine
- Coralberry
- Crape myrtle
- Dwarf burning bush
- Euonymous
- Dwarf Mexican petunia
- Dwarf yaupon
- Flame Acanthus
- Eldarica (Afghan) pine
- Eryngo
- Fall asters
- Forsythia
- Gaura
- Goldenrod
- Gregg Dalia
- Iris
- Juniper
- Lemon mint (Horsemint)
- Liriope
- Maxamillian sunflower
- Mealy blue sage
- Mexican mint marigold
- Mexican oregano
- Mondograss
- Nellie R. Stevens holly
- Obedient plant
- Pavonia or rock rose
- Passion vine
- Peach
- Portulaca
- Privet
- Purple loosestrife
- Purslane
- Pygmy barberry
- Perennial verbena
- Rose
- Rue
- Russian sage
- Salvia greggii
- St. John's wort
- Texas bluebell
- Tradescantia
- Turk's cap
- Vitex
- Wegelia
- Wisteria