A typical conversation on a gardening talk
show could be:
"Alright, caller, you're on the air. This
is radio free talk-your-fool-head-off! The power of confusion
is at, or in, your disposal! What is your question about houseplants?"
"Well, I know you haven't been asked this
one before and I know some of your other listeners are having
this problem too. The problem is my houseplant. It's brown
around the edges! What could be causing that?"
"I guess your just lucky that its brown
around the edges! It could have ring-around-the-collar!"
After several minutes of awkward studio laughter
at, probably one of radio history's corniest jokes, the conversation
continues, with the garden show host asking, "On a more
serious note, have you been watering your plant very often
"Why, no. I hardly ever water it. Do plants
need water?"
"Well, I think that the lack of water
COULD be the problem. Thanks for calling and keep listening
good buddy! Next call!"
"Well, I know you haven't been asked this
one before and I know some of your other listeners are having
this problem too. The problem is my houseplant. It's brown
around the edges! What could be causing that?"
"Are you sure its not ring around the
After several more minutes of embarrassed,
as well as awkward studio laughter at radio history's first
corniest joke revisited, the intellectualism continues.
"Seriously now, good buddy, have you been
watering your plant very often lately?"
"Why, no! I hardly ever water it more
than twice a day."
"Hey! Hey! If you're not wearing waders
or have pontoons strapped to your plants, you must be hip
deep in "Swampville" by now! Are you growing algae
or houseplants? Slack off on the water or we may declare your
place a game preserve--where ducks can land and "foul",
get it, foul (fowl), odors abound!"
And so goes the houseplant questions to every
talk show in the U.S. I have decided to eliminate garden talk
shows in the U.S. by publishing the answers to every possible
houseplant question. Here goes:
1. Browning around the edges of the leaves
of houseplants is caused by too much water, OR
2. Browning around the edges of the leaves
of houseplants is caused by too little water.
3. Houseplants that wilt and die are being
damaged by too much watering, OR
4. Houseplants that wilt and die are being
damaged by too little watering.
5. Leaves falling off of houseplants is caused
by moving the plant around to much. People get motion sickness
and throw-up; plants also get sick when moved and their leaves
drop-off. If plants have become acclimated or become used
to sunshine, they will self-destruct if you put them in the
shade. If plants have become accustomed to still air conditions,
they will exhibit symptoms of stress such as leaf drop and/or
death if they are put in front of an air-blasting vent.
6. No! Flowering plants don't like to bloom
in the house because there is not enough light and this saddens
them. Maybe they will bloom in a sunny window or under intense
lighting, but don't bet your baby on it!
7. No! Pecan trees do not make nice houseplants
unless you intend to someday blast a hole in the roof. No!
You cannot control the height of the tree by pruning. God
will eventually win! He wanted that pecan to be a tree and
IT WILL BE A TREE someday. Avocados feel the same way! I don't
care if it is "your baby" that you raised from a
seed. Grow it for a while, then give it a dumpster-side going
away party. In other words, give it to your garbageman! It
is a proven fact that overgrown avocado trees are happier
and grow better in garbage collection areas (high organic
matter, I guess) than in homes.
8. Yes! You can prune and cut your houseplant.
When is the best time? Anytime you feel mad! Pruning and cutting
will make you feel better and who has ever been convicted
of plant slaughter? Will the plant die? Probably. But such
is life! Should you expect any better? Now you think you are
a surgeon, too?
9. No! I don't know the name of the plant that
a friend gave you while you were in the hospital--I can hardly
remember my own kid's name. Why don't you call it Fred, or
Frieda if you like to have a girl around the house. Or, name
it after your mother-in-law; then you can call it what you
want. I have heard that talking to plants, regardless of the
language used, makes them grow! If you really want to know
the name of your houseplant, take it on a trip to the local
nursery--there you'll find millions more just like it wearing
name tags! Or, you can check the very informative houseplant
site at:
10. Yes! Your plant could be pot-bound (roots
sensuously entangled to the point of masochism) after 20 years
in the same pot. When repotting, use "potting" mix
so that your plant will grow better and your cat's paws will
not get sore. When repotting, don't bury the root system more
than an inch deep--some leaves should be showing above the
top of the planting mix when you are finished. This will allow
you to know what's in the pot. Use a larger container than
the plant was previously growing in--otherwise it won't do
much good to repot it! Make certain that the container drains
well. This insures that it will rapidly wet the carpet and
eventually rot a hole in the carpet, insuring a permanent
location for the plant--over the rotted spot.
11. No! Cat urine is not an essential element
for healthy plant growth.
12. No! Systemic insecticide (Disyston) applied
around the base of your houseplant will not harm the cat.
It may kill the cat if it eats the plant's potting mix while
covering "the evidence" but who wants a potted cat
anyway. If an animal does eat systemic insecticide potting
soil and doesn't die, you are guaranteed a flea-less, worm-less
beast for months to come!
13. Yes! Digging around houseplants by desperate
animals can be controlled. Either dumpster-side services for
the culprit, or the use of wire mesh--not around the base
of the plant but around the body of the offender--will solve
your problems forever.
14. No! It is not healthy for your children
to play with or eat the cylindrical, brown putty found in
the houseplant's potting mix--even though it is a naturally
occurring, organic product.
15. No! Your child should not eat the houseplant.
Even if the houseplant is not poisonous, foliage devouring
by children should be discouraged. Such behavior can be eliminated
by feeding the child. If foliage is the desired feeding target,
I recommend lettuce or spinach. Salad dressing is optional.
Lettuce and spinach are cheaper than poinsettias and African
16. No! Most houseplants are not poisonous.
Otherwise you would have to have a prescription to buy them.
17. No! Consumption of houseplants will not
kill your child but the hungry little devil may acquire a
belly-ache that will solve the herbaceous appetite for a while!
18. No! Houseplants should not float through
the air or move around the room--check for insects. Spider
mites, the mighty small critters on the bottom of leaves,
cause overall leaf discoloration. You can apply pesticide,
but do so outdoors unless you have roaches or in-laws you
want to get rid of indoors. Sometimes, it is more economical
to discard a heavily contaminated plant and then purchase
a new one.
19. Yes! Houseplants can be overfed. Have you
ever seen a fat houseplant? Probably not! Have you ever seen
a dead houseplant? Probably so! The connection is that if
you try to fatten a houseplant with too much fertilizer, you
will kill it. Feeding once every month or so with a diluted
liquid fertilizer is sufficient. Don't fertilize a houseplant
to make it grow, fertilize it because it is growing.
20. Yes! The best place in the house to grow
houseplants IS the toilet. However, the bathroom is also the
best place in the house for other enjoyable, necessary activities.
Unless you have Tarzan potty syndrome, you will want to try
to maintain proper humidity in other areas of the house. Humidity
between 50% and 60% is best for growing most plants. Most
homes lack sufficient humidity, especially in the winter due
to heating units that dry the air.
No! I don't plan to write anymore houseplant
columns in the near future--why should I? I have answered
every possible question!
QUESTION : My wife would like to know about drying herbs that
she has been growing all summer. She has been cutting and
freezing them for future use.
ANSWER: Check the site:
the type of herb you want to dry.
QUESTION : Our ficus tree stands about 7 feet tall indoors.
It seems to be doing fairly well after aggressive pruning
a few weeks ago. Each morning I pick up several dried worms
from the hardwood floor. They appear to crawl out from under
the pot during the night. Additionally, there are tiny bugs
in great numbers that seem to routinely live in and around
the base. The leaves appear healthy, but are also have a sticky
texture. Any ideas?
ANSWER: You can eliminate insects from the root
system of the plant without damaging the plant by watering
it with an insecticidal mixture such as diazinon. Simply read
and follow the label instructions for diazinon, and water
the plant with a mixed solution of diazinon the next time
it needs watering. The sticky substance is called honeydew
and is excreted from sucking insects such as aphids and leaf
hoppers that can be found on the bottom of leaves. Use a foliar
insecticide to control the leaf sucking pests and the stickiness
will disappear.
QUESTION : My wife and I made the unfortunate
mistake of planting fig ivy in our yard years ago. It covered
a complete wooden fence at one point, and thus established
a large and healthy root base. We now want none of it in our
yard (it is all in a perimeter garden full of other plants),
but don't know how to eradicate it. Do you have any suggestions?
ANSWER: Fig Ivy should be controllable with
maximum strength (as per label instructions) applications
of a glyphosate herbicide such as Roundup, Kleanup or Finale
as often as re-foliation occurs.
QUESTION : I have just recently planted 5 acorns from our
oak tree. So far, 2 of them have sprouted. My question is,
how do I force them through the winter to get a head start
on next year's growing season. Here in Minnesota, the growing
season is very short-May - October. Can this be done? Or,
are these 2 plants destine to die?
ANSWER: If the 2 plants are growing in a container, then you
have no problem. However, if they are in the ground, then
you will have to protect them from the cold or they will freeze
and die. You could replant them into a container and then
move them indoors when the temperatures drop. In order to
maintain growth on the trees, you will need to keep them in
a sunny location, or at least in as much light as possible.
It is still going to be hard to see a lot of growth. Still,
you ought to be able to maintain them inside until next spring.
Be careful not to over water, i.e., let the top inch of soil
dry out between waterings.
QUESTION : I have 2 pecan trees in my backyard. In the 7 years
that I've lived here, they have never produced. This year,
I have beautiful pecans. The only thing I did differently
is fertilized with a box of "Fruit and Nut Tree Fertilizer"
from Wal-Mart during the spring. My question is this: When
you have a male and female tree, does only the female tree
produce? I only have pecans on one tree. Also, am I correct
in that I pick up only the pecans that have fallen on the
ground. You are not supposed to pick them off the tree, right?
I am not a gardener by any means, but I do love to work outside,
and I have had good luck with most of what I've tried. Start
from the basics and let me know.
ANSWER: Pecan trees are normally slow to bear
when they are not pushed with water and fertilizer. They are
also known as alternate bearers in that they normally produce
a big crop one year and then nothing the next. So I am not
sure if your trees have pecans this year because they have
finally grown large enough and matured, or whether they exhausted
themselves in years before. The may have also been stressed
from the drought, etc., and now they have finally stored enough
energy to once again produce a crop. It doesn't really matter,
however. The real question is-- how do you continue to have
pecans? The fertilizer will help. However, it doesn't necessarily
have to be fruit and nut tree fertilizer, as many times such
products contain zinc, which becomes tied up by the soil.
So you might be better off to spend less money and just get
some ammonium sulfate or nitrogen fertilizer instead. Use
1 pound of this product per 1 inch of trunk diameter. Apply
this every year.
There are not male and female pecan trees because
each tree has both flowers. However, they do not bloom at
the same time. Hence the reason for having 2 pecan trees;
so one can pollinate the other. Both trees should eventually
have pecans. It is not uncommon for trees to initially have
an abundance of male flowers and few female flowers.
Nuts can be harvested from the either the ground
or from the tree as soon as the shuck opens. So get them as
soon as you can or the squirrels and other varmints will beat
you to them.
A detailed outline of pecan tree management
is available at the following Plantanswers site:
QUESTION : I have a Sanserveria ( Common name-- Mother in
Law Tongue ) houseplant that is blooming. It has a real strong
odor at night. It is dripping sticky sap from the flowers.
I would like to know if this is a poisonous plant. I am concerned
because I baby-sit a 3-year old.
ANSWER: For the best information about poisonous
plants check these websites:
QUESTION : This year, I have a severe problem with stink bugs.
I lost 50% of this year's peaches due to stink bugs. I sprayed
the trees several times this year but to no avail. The insecticide
you spray settles on the outside skin of the peach, but the
stinkbug penetrates the outer skin and feeds from within the
fruit. The poison does not appear to harm them. After the
peaches were depleted, they attacked my tomatoes. Well, now
the tomatoes are gone, so what do they feed on next??? My
hot peppers!!! This time, I did not spray the tomatoes or
peppers. HELP!!!! What can I do? These stink bugs are small
and light brown and green. So far, I do not have the large
ones eating my crops. By the way, my dad had problems with
the large stink bugs eating his tomatoes. Please advice how
to get rid of them. I keep my lawn mowed and have no weeds.
However, behind my property, there is a small drainage-type
creek full of weeds. Should I spray them???
ANSWER: Stinkbugs have been a severe problem
this year. Insecticides such as Sevin and Thiodan (endosulfan)
seem to be most effective, but they have to contact the insect
itself and have little residual action. I would recommend
a protective covering such as Grow-Web, which is discussed
on this PLANTanswers website:
Maybe their population will be down next year
-- we hope so, for the sake of peaches, pecans, pears, tomatoes,
peppers and every kind of "suckable" fruit you can
Plants that can be attacked: Beets, okra, squash,
beans, peas, corn, cowpeas, tomatoes and many weeds.
Description: Adults are approximately ½
inch long and each one has a triangular-shaped scutellum that
extends from just back of its "shoulders" and narrowing
to a point at its posterior. The front wings are thick and
stiff about the base, but the distal half is much thinner
and membranous. These membranous wing areas overlap on the
back when not in use. Crushed bugs have an odor fitting their
names. Nymphs are without wing covers and smaller, but otherwise
similar to adults.
Life History: Life history and habits of each
of the stinkbugs are similar. Generally, barrel-shaped eggs
are deposited in clusters, usually on the underside of foliage.
Eggs often are beautifully colored and ornamental. Development
from egg to adult occurs in 4 to 6 weeks. Anywhere from 1
to 4 generations may occur annually. As adults, they over-winter
in places affording protection from cold weather.
Damage: Damage is caused by nymphs and adults
sucking sap, primarily from pods, buds, blossoms and seeds.
Removing the liquid contents of developing seeds causes them
to become flat and shriveled. If the fruit is attacked at
an early stage of development, "catfacing" or pitted
holes will occur on bean pods, tomatoes and squash.
QUESTION : I am the county agent in Donley County, Texas which
is in the Panhandle. The town I'm located in is Clarendon.
My question regards the use of Native sage brush as a herb.
I had a women call who wants to use it as a herb. I know that
cattle eat it with no ill-effects. Can people eat it as well?
In my own research resources here in the office, which is
very limited, I checked as a reference "Edible Native
Plants". I found that the sage that is used as an herb
has a different scientific name than does the big silver or
other sages.
ANSWER: Absolutely not!!! Do NOT eat sage brush ?? you folks
are hungrier up there in the Panhandle than I realized!!!
Only the Salvia offininatis (Garden Sage) should be eaten.
Sages and Creosote Bush are loaded with alkaloids and resins
that won't kill you but will really make you wish you had
gone to McDonald's instead. If your folks want to "graze"
through the brush, have them purchase the book by Michael
Moore entitled Medicinal Plants of the Southwest. Lord HAVE
QUESTION : Can mulching around your home and/or foundation
draw termites?
ANSWER: Absolutely!! Mulches should NEVER be
piled on home foundations or tree trunks. Termites will feed
on decaying wood wherever they can find it. We should not
be building "stairs" for them to waltz into our
homes. This could happen if mulches are piled up against foundation
walls, especially where there are weep holes or other cracks
or openings where termites could use the mulch to gain entry.
From a pest control perspective alone, sure, it would be ideal
to say NO WOOD MULCHES around homes, but of course mulches
have other benefits such as moderating soil moisture fluctuations
around foundations, limiting weeds, enhancing appearance,