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This year was marvelous for lawns. That
makes two pretty good years in a Even with the good weather this year
for lawns, many of us do not have grass thick enough to prevent winter
weeds. My lawn is very green right now because the rescue, rye and
annual blue grass have taken over the stressed St. Augustine and Bermuda
grass. Even with the rain my lawn has too much shade, the soil is
too poor, and the dog traffic too heavy to form a thick sod. Other St. Augustine lawns may also
have the problem of St. Augustine Decline (SAD). St. Augustine Decline
is a virus disease that attacks lawns of common St. Augustine grass.
Recognize the disease by the mottling on the blade. Regular chlorosis
(iron deficiency) has yellow lines running up and down the blade,
SAD has the mottling. A SAD infected lawn does not respond to fertilization
and watering; it thins out more each year. SAD is addressed by plugging
in Floratam or other named St. Augustine varieties that are resistant
to the disease. If you have a winter weed lawn like
mine, it can be battled or enjoyed. The good news is that as long
as temperatures approach 32 degrees F. every few weeks, the weeds
will not grow much. Keep the lawn neat by mowing every 3 or 4 weeks.
The frequency will need to be increased as we approach spring and
the weeds respond to the more mild temperatures with rapid growth.
Unfortunately, each of the weed grasses grows at different rates.
The key is to mow enough to prevent maturation of seed heads. If you decide that you want to try
to produce a better lawn next year, winter is a good time to aerate
the lawn and top dress. Rent a plug-cutting aerator from your neighborhood
rental store. If they have a 4-hour minimum, share the rental with
two or three neighbors. Aeration is fast if the soil is reasonably
moist. The machine cuts a plug and lays it on the surface of the lawn.
The 4-inch hole is a channel for water and oxygen to reach the root
system. Gases produced by natural processes can also escape. The effect
is profound. Not only does the grass respond, trees grow better. To increase the impact of aeration,
top dress the lawn with a half inch of compost after aeration. The
organic material filters into the aeration channels to improve soil
condition in the root zone. Compost increases water-holding capacity
and drainage, encourages microbial activity, and improves nutrient
efficiency. Compost spreading is easy and good exercise with a shovel but, if you want it to be even easier, there is at least one contractor out there, Oak Hills Top Soil & Mulch (in Boerne, 830-249-3575), who will spread the compost for you. They have a machine that works like a reverse vacuum cleaner to spread the compost evenly. Call them for their price. You may also want to check with your supplier to see if they have access to other contractors. The question always comes up, “Why
use compost instead of top dressing?” Top dressing is sand plus
compost. The sand is filler as far as I am concerned. Sand is inert
material that fills space. Use top dressing to fill holes but for
most impact use pure compost. Compost is where the action is.