For The Answer
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By Calvin Finch, Ph. D., Director of Conservation, SAWS, and Horticulturist Provided
to Primetime Newspapers, July
9, 2001 Some of the hot weather bloomers have been slow to start, but they are going strong now. It is not pleasant to work in the garden in 90 plus temperatures but if you give them some attention the blooming will get better. Esperanza
or Texas Bells are blooming machines if the seedpods are removed. Once per week visit your bush and remove any
seedpods that are forming. The
plants are driven to reproduce and if you keep pulling the seeds they
will form more flowers The
process of removing spent flowers is called deadheading. As was described above it is important to keep
esperanzas blooming. Many
flowers benefit by such attention; zinnias, roses and even crepe myrtles
will bloom more if you remove faded flowers or seedpods, we deadhead
trailing lantana a little differently.
Every 4 or 5 weeks when the flowers are still in good shape,
a shallow run of the string mower into the blooms will serve as deadheading.
Within a few days the trim is not even noticeable and bloom
is less cyclical. For
VIP or Laura Bush petunias the trim should be even deeper, as much
as half the plant. Use the
opportunity to get the aggressive petunias back under control. All
of the plants discussed in the article will survive without supplemental
water but if you want them to bloom in a droughty summer, they do
best with one good watering per month.
Whether it is through a rain event or your hose, either will
work. Old-fashioned
roses qualify as xeriscape plants.
They can survive without pesticides and supplemental water
in native soil. Mulch them well and give them one watering
per month and the summer bloomers will bloom better. Some modern roses are almost as tough as old-fashioned roses; Belindas
Dream is a pink rose with a great fragrance that has the bloom capability
of a modern rose. Most
modern roses are not xeriscape plants; they require raised beds, weekly
pesticide sprays, regular irrigation, generous fertilization and yearly
pruning to survive well. Despite
their need for attention, modern roses can be part of water efficient
landscape. Xeriscape does not eliminate anything; it just
requires that most of the landscape be low water use groundcovers,
perennials, mulch and hardscape.
If you have modern roses, late in July or early in August it
is time to prepare them for the autumn bloom period.
Remove dead stems, open the middle of the plant to allow air
and light penetration, and renew your cultural attention.
Fertilize with rose food or slow release lawn fertilizer, water
with drip irrigation, top off the mulch and begin weekly sprays with
a fungicide and insecticide. The
traditional sprays are Funginex and Orthene.
Organic growers can try Rose Defense (neem oil), sulfur, and
organic insecticides. Fruit
trees are not summer bloomers but it is time to cut the suckers from
container and in-ground trees. Suckers
are stems that arise from the rootstock.
Most fruit trees are actually 2 parts; a scion (desirable fruiting
top) and a rootstock (tough adapted rootstock).
The two parts are grafted together to form a tree tough enough
to survive in whatever soil is available and produce good fruit. If stems originate from the rootstock, they
take over the tree and the result is a tough tree without good fruit. Recognize the rootstock on citrus as a thorny
stem originating below the graft.
On plums, peaches and other fruit cut off anything that comes
directly from the ground.