Pythium blight, also called cottony blight or grease spot, is a fungal
disease of turfgrasses. All turfgrasses, warm and cool season, are susceptible
to attack. The disease is most severe during hot, humid conditions and where
there is limited air circulation. Poorly drained soils also favor the occurrence
of the disease. Covering overseeded sports fields with tarps during wet
conditions greatly favors Phytium blight.
Symptoms. Pythium blight is most readily recognized as small spots
or patches of blighted grass that suddenly appear during warm, wet periods.
In the early stages the grass leaves appear water-soaked, slimy (greasy)
and dark. As the disease progresses, the leaves shrivel and the patches
fade from green to light brown. When observing these patches in the early
morning, cottony fungal growth can usually be seen on the foliage.
In many cases these patches develop into diffused streaks that follow water
drainage patterns or mowing patterns. These streaks are caused by the water
or equipment picking up the causal fungus and spreading it along its path.
Under favorable conditions for disease development, these streaks may coalesce
to form large areas of dead grass. If a sudden drop in temperature or humidity
or the application of a fungicide halts the development of Pythium blight,
distinct straw-colored spots, resembling dollar spot, develop.
In the South, Pythium blight was not identified as a problem on turfgrass
until 1954. By 1970, twenty species of Pythium were identified on turfgrasses
from the South. Pythium aphanidermatum is the most frequently found
causal agent of turf blights.
Pythium spp. also cause more root rot and injury to the crown of
grass plants than is generally recognized. Infection results in slower growth,
poor color and a general thinning of turfgrasses. It is most common on highly
managed golf greens and sports fields. Symptoms may become visible at any
time during the growing season. Pythium blight is one of the major causes
of a poor transition from overseeded grasses to bermudagrasses in the late
spring. Damage to the crown and roots of bermudagrass during early spring
severely weakens the grass and slows its recovery. Such injury often goes
unnoticed until it is too late to prevent.
As temperatures rise, large areas of turf may wilt, turn brown and die.
Unlike Pythium blight of the foliage, no cottony mycelium is evident during
infection periods, and rarely can pythium root rot be diagnosed from field
symptoms alone. Pythium root rot is difficult to diagnose. Although infected
roots and crowns may be extensively discolored, microscopic examination
of the tissue is required to detect the presence of Pythium in the
root tissue.
Pythium spp. also cause a pre-emergence and post-emergence seedling
blight or "damping-off" of overseeded grasses resulting in small
patches of dead seedlings or a general thinning of overseeded grasses.
Disease Development. The mycelium or spores of Pythium spp.
are commonly present in diseased grass tissue, thatch and in soils. Under
favorable temperature and moisture conditions, the mycelium resumes growth
and the spores germinate (much like the stolons and seeds of the grass plant).
The spores can germinate and infect the grass plant within an hour or two.
Disease development occurs rapidly from these centers of origin by a cobweb-like,
mycelial growth of the fungus from leaf to leaf. Rapid spread occurs when
the mycelial strands or spores are moved by water or equipment across the
Pythium blight develops most rapidly under humid conditions when air temperature
is above 80°F. As temperatures approach 90°F, only a few hours
are required to destroy a stand of grass.
Control. Cultural practices can go a long way toward preventing pythium
blight. Good water management is very important in reducing disease potential.
Remove thatch on a regular basis through frequent vertical mowing and topdressing;
avoid lush growth produced by overfertilization and overwatering; improve
air circulation by pruning or selectively removing trees bordering the site;
and improve drainage through aeration and the use of soil amendments. Increasing
the mowing height and other practices that promote root growth may lessen
the damage from pythium root rot.
During extended periods of warm, humid weather, a preventive fungicide program
may be needed to check the development of Pythium. Applications of
fungicides recommended for control of Pythium blight should be made to areas
with a history of Pythium activity when conditions are favorable
for development or when symptoms first appear. Repeat applications as necessary.
On overseeded bermudagrass greens, Apron or Koban-treated seed can be used
to prevent Pythium blight during the establishment period. Fungicide applications
may be needed 7 to 21 days after planting to protect the young seedlings.