2 Cups dried Lemon Verbena1 Cup dried Orange Peel (see note)
1 Cup dried Chamomile3 Tbl. whole Cloves, crushed
1 Cup diced Orange Mint1 6-in. Cinnamon stick, crushed

Blend all of the ingredients together and store in a tightly covered tin. When ready to make tea, shake the tin well, then spoon 1 teaspoon of the tea into a pot for each cup of water. Pour boiling water over the tea and let steep 5 to 10 minutes.

Note: To dry orange peel, scrape the inside of the shells clean after squeezing the oranges for juice. Leave only the orange part of the peel (the zest). Cut in strips and set on a rack to dry. When brittle, break in small pieces and store in a covered jar.