Plant Answers  >  COMPLETE NUMERICAL SuperStar Plant Listing, Dates and HISTORY

COMPLETE NUMERICAL SuperStar Plant Listing, Dates and HISTORY



* actually named by Jerry Parsons which accounts for 20 of the 60 selections listed

** indicates selections found by Greg Grant and Jerry Parsons; promoted by Parsons which accounts for 30 of the 60 selections listed.

XX indicates deer-resistant Texas SuperStar Plants. See:

1. Fall, 1989 - September ---- Texas Bluebonnet; Texas Pride
2. Summer, 1990 - May ---- 'Firebush' (Hamelia patens) * **
3. Fall, 1990 - August ------ Mari-Mums * **
4. Fall, 1992 - August ------ 'Surefire' tomato * **
5. Spring, 1993 - February ----- Satsuma Mandarin **
6. Spring, 1993 - March ---- 'Texas Gold' Columbine * **
7. Fall, 1993 - October ---- Chinese Pistache
8. Spring, 1995 - April ---- SuperSun Coleus - 'Plum Parfait', 'Burgandy Sun' * **
9. SPRING (February - March), 1997 -- Large-fruited tomato variety -- Merced (Northrup-King)
10. SUMMER (May -June), 1997 --- Imperial Purple or Weeping Lavender (Lantana montevidensis) and 'Weeping White' or 'White Lightning' Lantana (Lantana montevidensis) for fragrance and beauty * ** XX
11. FALL (August), '97 -- Salvia leucantha XX
12. SPRING ( Mid - March), 1998 ---- VERBENA BEAUTIES FOR SPRING PLANTING New, vigorous variety 'BLUE PRINCESS' * **
13. SPRING (May 1st), 1998 Scaevola aemula 'New Blue Wonder' Fan Flower
14. SPRING - SUMMER (May 22 - Memorial Day), 1998 ---- Large-flowered Purslane (Yubi-type) For hot summer color
15. SPRING (Late March), 1999 ---- VIP (Violet In Profusion or Very Important Petunia) petunia; Begin statewide trialing in '98; NEVER officially promoted in San Antonio * **
16. Summer, (Late May) 1999 -- 'Gold Star' Esparanza (Tecoma stans) (Greg Grant's Selection) * ** XX
17. Fall, (October) 1999 ------------- RED BERRIES FOR WINTER BEAUTIFICATION; 'Possum Haw' Holly
18. SPRING ( early April), '2000 --- Maroon-colored Bluebonnet (transplant and seed) named 'Texas Maroon' and/or 'Alamo Fire' from Wildseed Farms in Fredricksburg, Texas * **
19. SUMMER (June-July) , '2000 --- BIG BLOOMERS FOR SUMMER BEAUTY; Perennial Hibiscus -- Moy Grande (rose), Flare (hot pink) and Lord Baltimore (bright red) * **
20. WINTER AND SPRING (Nov.- February) 2001--- ONCE - PLANTED, FOREVER BEAUTIFUL ANNUALS FROM SEED OR TRANSPLANT Bunny Bloom Larkspur (Consolida ambigua)-- Mixed colors containing a selection with pink petals and white "bunny" head from transplants combined with double flowered types from Wildseed and seeded in the fall of 2000. * ** XX
21. Spring (April), '2001 -----'Laura Bush' Petunia (Petunia x 'Laura Bush) Available in blue and pink (Petunia x pink 'Laura Bush') * **
22. Late Spring (May), '2001 ----- 'Butterfly' Deep Pink Pentas (not cherry red) from Pan American Penta lanceolata 'Butterfly Deep Pink'
23. Fall (October), '2001 ---------- Oriental Maple (Also known as Chinese Maple, Purpleblow Maple, Shantung Maple) (Acer truncatum)
24. SPRING, '2002 ----- Dwarf Ruellias (Mexican petunia) (Ruellia brittoniana) such as 'Katie Dwarf', 'Bonita' Pink Dwarf 'Katie', and the Dwarf White **
25. SPRING (April), '2002 ----- Belinda's Dream (Rosa x 'Belinda's Dream) **
26. SUMMER (May), '2002 -------- Perennial Phlox 'John Fanick' and 'Victoria') (Phlox paniculata 'John Fanick') **
27. FALL (October), '2002 ------------- Lacey Oak (Quercus glaucoides)
28. SPRING (February), '2003 ---- Phalaenopsis Orchid (Phalaenopsis spp.)
29. SUMMER, '2003--------'Marie Daly' Rose (Rosa x polyantha 'Marie Daly') -- Pink - and - Pretty - An old-fashioned, thornless antique rose -- a pink selection of one of the best, 'Marie Pavie'. **
30. SPRING (March) '2004 --Virus-free, large fruited tomato named 'Tomato 444
31. SPRING (April) '2004 --- 'Knockout' Rose
32. FALL, '2004 -------- Chinquapin Oak (Quercus muhlenbergi)
33. SPRING (April) '2005 --- Blue Plumbago XX
34. SUMMER,(June) '2005--------Tapioca
35. SUMMER, (May) '2005 ------ 'Texas Lilac' Vitex (Chaste trees (Vitex agnus- castus) * ** XX
36. SPRING, (April) 2006 'Henry Duelberg' Salvia ** XX
37. SPRING (May) 2006 - Duranta repens and Duranta 'Gold Edge'
38. SUMMER (August) 2006 - Water Gardening with Texas' Best Water plants such as 'Texas Dawn' Waterlily. **
SPRING, (April) 2007 -----SunPride Tomato and Green Magic Broccoli and Capsicum Annuum 'NuMex Twilight' Ornamental Pepper
SPRING (April) 2007 Petunia 'Tidal Wave Cherry' and Petunia 'Tidal Wave Silver' Trailing
44. SPRING (May) 2008 - Firecracker Shrub (Jatropha integerrima) (Compacta) Available at Hines, ColorSpot and Greenleaf.
45. SUMMER, 2008 (July) Pride-Of-Barbados (Caesalpinia pulcherrima) Available at ColorSpot, Hines and Greenleaf. For blooms 30-days earlier than Texas' producers, order from Mt. States Nursery in Arizona. XX-Will eat blooms
46. SPRING (April) 2009 - Salvia, 'Mystic Spires Blue' Available from most commercial nurseries XX
47. SPRING (May) 2009 - Caricature Plant (Graptophyllum pictum 'tricolor' Griff) Family: Acanthaceae
48. SPRING (May) 2009 - Thryallis (Galphimia glauca) Grown by Greenleaf and ColorSpot XX
49. SPRING (May) 2009 - Periwinkle (Annual Vinca), 'Cora' and 'Nirvana' series. Resistant to Phytophthora and deer resistant. XX
50. SPRING (February - April), 2010 - Rosa 'Grandma's Yellow' (Formerly 'Nacogdoches' ) - - Will become the official "Yellow Rose for Texas") Available from ColorSpot and Greenleaf * **
51. SPRING (March-May), 2010 - Best-for- Texas and the Southwest U.S. is the vigorous variety 'BLUE PRINCESS' and her seedlings which include 'Rose Princess' and others. Available mainly from ColorSpot Nurseries * **
52. SPRING (February - April), 2010 - 'Dakato Gold' (Helenium amarum) from Pan American Seed
53. SUMMER (June) 2010 - Perennial Hibiscus - Hibiscus moscheutos -- 'Flare' Series - 'Flare', 'Pink Flare' and 'Peppermint Flare' Available mainly from ColorSpot and to a lesser extent from Greenleaf and Mt. States Nursery in Arizona. * **
54. Spring, 2010 - February - May-New Variety of Satsuma Mandarin - Available from Greenleaf, Hines and Saxon Becnel & Sons in Orange, Texas * **
55. Spring (March), 2011 -- Angelonia or Summer Snapdragon (Angelonia angustifolia) PARSONS WRITE-UP at: XX
56. Spring (April), 2011 Malvaviscus drummondii 'Pam Puryear' (Pam Puryear Turk's Cap) Available from ColorSpot Nurseries ** XX
57. SUMMER (June), 2012 - Lowery's Legacy Cenizo (Leucophyllum langmaniae - Cimarron Sage) Available mainly from Mt. States Nursery in Arizona * ** XX

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