
Description - Calendulas (pot-marigolds), carnations (pinks), chamomile, chrysanthemums, dandelions, daylilies, gardenias, geraniums, gladiolus, lavenders, lilies, nasturtiums, pansies, peonies, primroses, roses, squash blossoms, sweet violets and yucca blossoms have different edible portions that are nutritious and tasty. Some flowers are not edible but many are and can be chosen for their desirable uses. Buds, flowers, leaves, stems and roots are selected from designated edible varieties.

Culture - Common edible flower varieties should be chosen. Follow all planting and fertilization practices used for garden flowers. Organic pesticide practices should be used because of label restrictions. Separate growing areas should be used for the growing of edible flowers. Do not plant other annuals or perennials in these areas since pesticide could not be legally used.

Selection - Fresh, quality, whole flowers of gladiolus, roses, squash, pansies and lilies are now sold at farmer's markets as edible flowers along with nasturtiums and yucca blossoms. When portions of edible flowers are desired, pull petals or edible portions from fresh flowers and snip off the petals from the base of the flower. Remember to always wash flowers thoroughly and make certain any chemical or organic pesticide has been removed. Give them a gentle bath in salt water and then dip the petals in ice to perk them up. Drain on paper towels. For later marketing, petals and whole flowers may be stored a short time in plastic bags in refrigeration. Freeze whole small flowers in ice rings or cubes.

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