HEIRLOOM SEED (Flowers and Vegetables) uniquely productive in the Southwest U.S. and Texas
Definition of 'heirloom' (âr'lōōm') by The American Heritage® Dictionary:
A Heirloom fruit or vegetable is: "A cultivar of a vegetable or fruit that is open-pollinated and is not grown widely for commercial purposes. An heirloom often exhibits a distinctive characteristic such as superior flavor or unusual coloration."
See: http://plantanswers.com/veg_varieties.htm
Special Topics:
- Direct Seeding Into Garden Soil Of Late-Summer-And-Fall Plants
The seed available for sale and use in this listing are available ONLY from PLANTanswers.com and have been selected by Jerry Parsons, Texas A&M University System Professor and Extension Horticulturist-retired, for uniqueness of disease resistance, dependable yields, and quality fruit with special characteristics only found in this listing. Complete growing instructions are included.
- Seed Saving by G. Greg Grant
- Crawford Re-seeding Heirloom Lettuce Seed

Crawford lettuce |

Marshall and IreneCrawford |
- Hidalgo Serrano Heirloom Pepper Seed - NOT AVAILABLE
The famous serrano used in most Mexican dishes has a rating of from 7,000 - to - 25,000 with
the Texas A&M Hidalgo serrano being a bit milder at 6,000 - to - 17,000.
To remedy the virus susceptibility of hot peppers situation, the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station's virology breeding program,
under the direction of Dr.Ben Villalon - Retired,
produced varieties resistant to at least 4 of the virus diseases which most commonly cause plant damage. In addition to disease resistance, the jalapenos and serranos are much superior to standard varieties, and have been "cooled" down. These peppers are called Texas A&M (TAM) Mild Jalapeno and Hidalgo Serrano. The pepper fruit possess high levels of resistance to sunburn, have firm, thick walls and are ideal to use as Nacho-ring slices. Or, slice them in half vertically and fill them with cheese or other tasty fillings.
- Nethery LJOE (Largest Jalapeno On Earth) Mild Heirloom Pepper Seed - NOT AVAILABLE
Nethery LJOE (Largest Jalapeno On Earth) is an open-pollinated selection from TAM Mild Jalapeño II made by Betty Nethery of Junction, Texas over
a ten year period. It is normally much larger than TAM Mild Jalapeño II and has a Scoville unit rating of about 2500 or hotter.
- TAMU Mild Jalapeno Heirloom Pepper Seed - NOT AVAILABLE
‘TAM Mild Jalapeno II', a multiple-virus resistant, low-pungency pepper which is twice the size of the original ‘TAM Mild Jalapeno'.
- Parsons' Potent Chili Penguin Heirloom Pepper Seed - NOT AVAILABLE
This is the ONLY plant Parsons has named for himself because his wife Carolyn told him this was the only way to have the term "Potent"
associated with his name!? The Penguin name came with the confusion with other common names of the plant such as chile petin, chile pequin,
piquin and chiltepin-Parsons can*t spell so the name turned out to be Penguin since the shape of this fruit is penguin-shaped.
The true pequin pepper has a compact growth habit with bright green, ovate leaves and small fruits that rarely exceed 2 cm in length.
Like most chiles, fruits start out green, ripening to brilliant red at maturity. Pequin peppers are very hot, often 7-8 times hotter than
jalapeños on the Scoville scale (30,000-60,000 units).
Flavor is described as citrusy, smoky, and nutty.Parsons' Potent Chile Penguin fruit are twice as large as a standard pequin and four times hotter.
There is a RED selection and YELLOW selection.
- Rio Grande Gold Sweet, Jalapeno-shaped, Sweet BELCH-LESS Heirloom Pepper Seed
Dr. Ben Villalon created the no-complaints-possible pepper. It is the most versatile pepper ever. It is named Rio Grande Gold,
Jalapeno-shaped Pepper. The fruit of this pepper is jalapeno - shaped and about twice the size of a large jalapeno.
When the pepper plant sets fruit, the fruit is yellow. If left on the plant for several weeks the yellow fruit ripens to red.
The peppers are sweet and can be used as a substitute for yellow or red Bell pepper to beautify cookery.
"But," say you chronic complainers, "we want a jalapeno!" If you want to create a pickled jalapeno which is custom-designed to your
heat-tolerance level, now is your chance. Simply add one hot pepper (no need to slice!) to the top of a jar of these sweet jalapeno-shaped,
colorful peppers before pickling or processing, and ALL of the peppers will become "hotter" comparable to the heat level of the pepper in the
top of the jar. Characteristics: Sweet yellow wax type, strong main stem, sturdy branches and sets at high temperature (33C).
Height: 18-24 inches; Spacing: 18-24 inches; Sun Exposure: Full Sun; Heat (Pungency): Sweet (0 Scoville Units);
Fruit Shape: Tapered ; Fruit Size: Pods are jalapeno-shaped but about twice the size - Medium (4 inches to 6 inches in length);
Fruit Color: Bright yellow changing to deep orange then red fruit;
Disease Resistance: Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV), Potato Virus Y (PVY), Tobacco Etch Virus (TEV), Pepper Mottle Virus (PepMV);
Usage: Fresh (salsa, salads)
- Dwarf Cherry Heirloom Tomato Surprise - NOT AVAILABLE
The ‘Dwarf Cherry Tomato Surprise' is the most naturally disease-resistant cherry tomato ever sold in Texas. It is genetically resistant to the diseases of Verticilum Wilt and Fusarium Wilt (VF) as well as the viruses of Tobacco Mosaic Virus (T) and Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV). It is also the first cherry tomato variety to be nematode resistant (N) since the Texas A&M developed variety ‘Small Fry' was available over 20 years ago. Each seed of this new super hybrid costs the wholesale grower $ .20 (per seed!!) for first generation (F-1) seed. Heirloom seed are available from PLANTanswers.com in the "Southwest U.S. and Texas' TRIED-AND-PROVEN Heirloom Seed" section.
- Heatwave Large-fruited Heirloom Tomato Seed - NOT AVAILABLE
Lycopersicon esculentum. Plant produces good yields of 7 ounce red tomatoes even at temperatures up to 100 degrees F.
This heat tolerant variety is suitable for those in the deep South where daytime temperatures average in the 90's.
Semi-Determinate plant growth. Sets fruit under lower temperatures and higher temperatures than most tomatoes.
- Merced Large-fruited Heirloom Tomato Seed - NOT AVAILABLE
The first crop of big, deep-globe shaped tomatoes will be ready to harvest in 75-80 days from transplant in the spring.
Since it is not considered to be a heat-setting tomato, days-to-harvest will depend on weather conditions in July, August and September.
Merced has fine appearance, firmness and flavor. Merced's firm, smooth-shouldered fruit ripen to a uniform bright red.
The delicious flavor delivers satisfaction -- it has a very likable, "this is how a tomato should taste" flavor.
Field test results from Florida, California and Texas show that this variety has what it takes: (1) wide adaptability
(2) resistance to verticillium, fusarium (races 1 and 2), stemphylium and tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) (3) deep- globe shaped
tomatoes with a meaty, rich texture. It is much firmer, higher quality and meatier than other commonly used varieties such as Celebrity.
- Surefire Medium-Size Fruit Heirloom Tomato Seed - NOT AVAILABLE
The tomato rage of 1992 named Surefire has what is best described as a non-controversial flavor -- people neither loved it or hated it.
Surefire was judged to be the meatiest tomato and all agreed it would be the best for sausas, sauses and long-storage.
The Surefire tomato variety should be planted to produce the earliest fruit of the year and a meaty tomato which can be used in sausas as
well as for fresh consumption.
Surefire is the most reliable fall tomato for all parts of Texas.
It is the first Texas SuperStar vegetable and was promoted statewide in Fall, 1992 in August. Surefire is one of the very best tomatoes for
both production, taste and the ability to set in high temps ever developed. Surefire is a name Jerry Parsons gave to GS12 which was
originally sold by Goldsmith Seed which was purchased by Northrup King Seed Company. The Surefire (VF) tomato variety is resistant
to Verticillium (V) Wilt and Fusarium (F) Wilt but not to nematodes. Smaller determinate tomatoes such as Surefire are more productive per
square foot and should be planted two feet apart in the row.
- Bingo Large-fruited Heirloom Tomato Seed - NOT AVAILABLE
- High yield
- Extra large fruit
- Medium early maturity
- Widely adapted
- Large vine
- Determinate growth
- Globe shaped fruit, extra large, smooth, with thick walls
- Moderate crack resistance
- VFFNTSt Resistance
Widely adapted over a wide range of growing areas, Bingo large-fruited Heirloom Tomato Seed consistently provides large and very smooth fruit. The plant develops a full canopy of leaves to protect the fruit from sun-burn. An excellent choice for roadside markets, Bingo Large-fruited Heirloom Tomato is noted for its exceptional flavor and size.
- Dwarf Bush Morning Glory Heirloom Seed
- Inland Sea Oats Heirloom Seed (Chasmanthium latifolium)
This perennial is a native grass used for landscape purposes. The seed head and bamboo-like foliage are ornamental, with seed clusters 6-8 inches above the foliage. The grass keeps a small rosette of leaves during the winter but regrows purple foliage in spring.
It prefers partial to full shade and is tolerant of all soil types. Inland Sea Oats needs no maintenance, is disease free, AND IS DEER-RESISTANT.
- Bunny Bloom Larkspur Heirloom Seed
- Extraction and Scarification of Bluebonnet Seed