Screen Shots Made Simple, Effective, and Awesome * Bird Cam 2011 - Featured * Squirrel Cam * Bird Cam 2011
Christmas Images (December 2010) * Pumpkin Painting Contest at Milbergers (October 2010) * Halloween Gallery for 2010 * Easter Bunny in 2010
Fruit * Disease * Insects * Bird Damage * Christmas Images * Miscellaneous
Vegetables: Top Tomato Contest on June 4, 2011

From the Kim Komando ( computer newsletter: Three Easier Ways To Do Screen Captures -- methods which are very easy and very useful. Realize you have to download a program and that program has to be on the computer that you are using. As long as you understand that you can only do her easy methods after you download the program on the computer that you want to use to make screen prints, then they might be very useful to you.
-- courtesy of Dennis (the flying DJ)



If you see this man around Austin, BEWARE -- you may be on WebCam!!!


Method #1

Sometimes you need a picture of what's on your computer screen. Every computer has the ability to take these screen shots. But that utility can be a pain to use. In Windows, you can take a shot of your entire screen. Just hit the Print Screen button. Or in Vista you can use the Snipping tool. But it's not exactly the most user-friendly tool. There has to be something better.

That's where Greenshot comes to the rescue. It puts a variety of screen shot tools at your fingertips. It runs in the background. And it adds keyboard shortcuts for different screens hot types.

Of course, you can still capture the full screen. But you can also grab just the window you're using. Or you can click and drag to capture a custom region. Save the screen shots wherever you want. Or modify them with the built-in image editor.

Method #2

Taking screen shots is very useful. You can grab anything you see on your screen. And you can save it as an image. Edit the image. Share it with friends. Or paste it in documents and e-mail.

Every version of Windows has a built-in screen shot tool. It's pretty bare bones. But it gets the job done. That said, there's a better way.

Screenpresso actually adds a bunch of handy features. But at the same time, it makes screen shots easier than ever. Just hit Print Screen (F13) to get started. And select any region to take a screen shot.

All shots are stored in Screenpresso history. From there, you can save, edit and e-mail them. And you can look through and work with past screen shots. You can also post shots to Twitter at the push of a button.

Cost: Free
System: Windows XP, Vista and 7

Method #3

Make copy and paste more useful

The clipboard is the unsung hero of Windows. It allows you to copy text from nearly anywhere. And then you can paste it somewhere else. This is useful for URLs, news articles, instant messaging, e-mail and more.

But the clipboard can only hold one thing at a time. You can copy a block of text and paste it somewhere else. Then you have to go back for the next block. To copy and paste multiple things, you have to go back and forth.

Ditto takes away this limitation. It allows your clipboard to hold more than one entry. So copy a URL and some text and a few e-mail messages. Then paste them wherever you'd like without going back and forth. Your clipboard holds it all.

You can copy and paste just like you've always done. But when you want to activate Ditto, just press Ctrl + `. You'll see a list of past copies. Just click on the one you want to paste. This is simple and useful.

Bird Cam 2011 - Featured

Hummingbird with hot-air vortex behind it on July 10, 2011

VORTEX anyone!!!!!

Unlike other birds, hummingbirds get a portion of their lift during the upstroke of their wings. Because flying objects cannot generate lift without creating drag, birds close their wings partially and set their "angle of attack" (the wing's incidence to the direction of flight needed for generating lift) to zero during the wasteful but necessary upstroke. That minimises the drag and conserves energy.

They then get their lift and forward thrust using a high angle of attack during the downward working stroke. By spreading their tail feathers and curling the tips of their wings back as they bring them down, the large energy-loaded vortices spilling off the leading edge of each wing can be channelled in the required down-ward and rear-ward direction to provide both lift and forward motion.
By contrast, to get the extra lift needed for hovering, hummingbirds do not simply flap their wings up and down, but oscillate them through a figure of eight pattern. By angling their bodies near to the vertical, the lift-generating vortices are thrust straight down beneath them. The hummingbird is literally buoyed on a vertical jet of air, with its head held stationary as it uses its long bill to feed.

The wings create the main vortex with a high angle of attack on the downstroke. They then flip their wings around on the upstroke, so as to create another vortex on the other side of the wing.

This hanging basket should be worth
LOTS MORE with a cute bird attached!!
Did someone mention sunflower seed!!

I see the hummingbird feeder but WHERE is the titmouse feeder!!

So who says this is grackel scat!!

Who needs a hummingbird feeder when Pentas are around!!

You fellows are ruffling my tit with this hummingbird feeder

Squirrel Cam

If I could only reach a bit further, I could have a cool drink of sugar water!!

SO, where is the feed!!

I REALLY only want the sunflower seed!

Bird Cam 2011

Parsons fills the Hummingbird feed AND his britches with sugar water on June 18, 2011

Hummingbird feeder for HUMMERCAM hung on June 18, 2011

The FIRST hummingbird to visit the feeder and be captured on the hummer-cam

Don't make me come over there and flap you silly!!!

ONE MOVE AND I AM GOING TO SCAT ALL OVER THE SCREEN says Computer bird on June 19, 2011

Have you ever heard such foolish in your life!


Please read Steve's letter for more details regarding this screenshot.
From: Steve R.
Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:53 PM
Subject: Parsons' Bird Cam

I live in Arlington, TX, and enjoy gardening. I always tune into your show every week through the internet after listening to Neil Sperry. My parents lived at Canyon Lake and were fans of Jerry Parsons as well as patrons of Milberger's Nursery for many years.

l like the webcam but got tired of having to get up off the couch to go into the other room to see what you were showing on the webcam. So I hooked up the sound and video from the computer to the stereo & big screen TV in the living room. It works great, but ever since you added the 'bird cam' it has now attracted the attention of a couple of my cats. The one pictured here takes great interest in watching the birds flying around on the screen.

Thanks for your show and keep up the great work.

Calvin uses sign language to explain a point

Birds crowding on Milberger feeder

Titmouse bird leaving feeder

Titmouse bird on Milberger feeder

Birds flocking in to feeder

Multiple birds enjoying the feeder

Christmas Images (December 2010)

Christmas Decorations at Milberger's on Dec., 2010

Christmas Shoppers at Milberger's in Dec., 2010

Even a bird (to right) came to see Santa

Family checks out Santa (left) while singers serenade at Milberger's on Dec., 2010

Getting a picture made with Santa

Kids standing in line to talk to Santa

Mother takes image of child with Santa

Rosemary Christmas trees at Milberger's in Dec., 2010

Santa, Singers, children and trains made Milberger's a MERRY CHRISTMAS place

Santa, Singers and Excited children at Milberger's Christmas celebration

Santa, taking images, and train rides made Christmas at Milberger's THE place to be

Santa (left) sits and singers sing at Milberger's on Dec., 2010

Santa and Singers

Santa listens while Mom takes images

Santa takes a stroll at Milberger's on Dec., 2010

Santa takes orders and parents take images at Milberger's 2010 Christmas

Santa waves at boy riding on train

Santa waves at family

Santa waves at Singers

Santa waves at train riders

The Kitty on Christmas at Milberger's on 2010

Pumpkin Painting Contest at Milbergers (October 2010)

The Pumpkin Eye looks good at the Milbergers Pumpkin Painting Contest

Ms. Milberger (left) and Jerry Parsons (top right) help with the Pumpkin Painting Contest on Oct., 2010

Ms. Milberger (left) and Mom taking picture (right) at the Milberger's Pumpkin Painting Contest

Ms. Milberger (left) and young mother helps a little one with the Pumpkin Painting Contest at Milbergers

A mother helps her little one with the Pumpkin Painting Contest at Milbergers

Halloween Gallery for 2010

Is that Halloween Cat ALIVE!!!

Milberger's Cat gets some attention from admiring customers

Milberger's Cat stalks the Pumpkin Path in October, 2010

This Halloween Pumpkin watching at Milberger's is tough on a Cat

The Milberger's Cat has an admirer

Milberger's Pumpkin purchaser's Enjoy the Cat

Cute Mom and daughter discuss pumpkin purchase at Milbergers

Fat KID throws pumpkin down on Oct. 24, 2010

Milberger's WatchCat takes a rest

Easter Bunny in 2010

Rabbit Butch filling his treat basket at Milbergers on April 3, 2010

Easter Bunny Butch harrasses employees in 2010




Arizona Ash with Anthracnous on Sept. 18, 2010


Aphids on September 19, 2010

Aphids 2 on October 19, 2010

Bird Damage

Bird - Grackel Damage on Orange

Bird-Grackel damage on Satsuma Mandarin Orange

Grackel Bird Damage on Satsuma Orange

Grackel or Blackbird damage on Satsuma orange

Christmas Images

Cat checking out the first Rosemary Christmas trees of the season in early November


Milberger's Herb Garden on a beautiful day at the nursery

Webcam at Mitchell Lake on Oct. 23, 2010

Shoppers come to Milberger's on a Spring, 2010, Day and newly planted Herb Garden

Milberger's Tired Shopper

Laying unpside down in front of Milberger KLUP broadcasting location on September 18, 2010


Top Tomato Contest on June 4, 2011

- Images provided by Curtis Hohmann -

KLUP Radio Program with Parsons intently operating the WebCam on June 4, 2011

Judging tomatoes at Top Tomato Contest in 2011

Top Tomato Contest Entries on June 4, 2011

Heaviest & Ugliest Tomato entries for June 4, 2011

- Images from the Webcam furnished by Dennis in Austin -


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